
Automatic Bowel Movement

I think you mean ABM (automatic burrito machine)

This hypermiling shit has gotten out of hand.

At least the paint didn’t get ruined.

Top 15 Cars people can’t be bothered to trade in.

You can’t blame boring people for not wanting change in their lives...

I put a giant cut of Ray Wert behind a car, the HOA would enjoy that.

Brian, can you set reminders to do a follow up story on her in her teens and maybe as an adult. Like does this go somewhere, maybe it becomes a cross over story with Jalopnik.

Isn’t it spelt Caiman?

Corvette Stingray

This is the only reason I won’t buy a BMW car.

If you two were True Jalops, you would have taken the damn Yugo.

claimers gonna claim

Not a vampire. Vampires have adult teeth.

What car would you like to swap a LaFerrari V12 into?

The 2018 Toyota Camry has 301 horsepower.

The Camry.

“The new INFINITI concept car will take the traditional sedan architecture to its next stage of evolution”

It would really help readers if you put up an actual photo of the goddamned tree.

Still could be a Cadillac. Or a glorious Geo revival no one saw coming.

A jet engine.... so it’s still a rotary, right?