Does the backseat of a cop car count?
Does the backseat of a cop car count?
I’m noticing a pattern here...
It’s cute that you think a Lucas smoke emitter is needed to make a Tesla unreliable.
We have a 12 cylinder diesel generator at work (I’m an industrial mechanic) and the manual for it does the same thing; the specs page only has the HP. I’m like “would it kill you to add a line for the torque number?”
I’m always more impressed by the torque numbers of big diesels, but they almost always only give HP. Time to break out the calculator...
Those wheel hub things are scary. My shins are trembling.
We don’t call it the communistWealth for nothing.
I’m in Virginia, home of “go to actual jail for speeding,” so that 24 is with the cruise set to 65.
1st: They haven’t said so, but I would think they could build them as they normally would, just omitting the AFM module/board/whatever and put them in later as a dealership service. I don’t know what they offer currently but when I got my ‘16, the first two regular maintenance (oil change, etc.) was included from GM,…
I had an ‘05 with the 5.3 and AFM that had 132k when I traded it in on a ‘16. The biggest engine related repair I had was replacing the oil pressure sensor. I’d get ~24 mpg when AFM was active.
Good point, and thank God.
Think outside the suburbs. Rural routes are no joke; higher speeds (distances between stops can be miles and most backroads are 55), and the roads are usually in shit condition. And despite being “rural,” there is still enough traffic that either following behind or passing another vehicle still happens. I have the…
Holy Hell.
They’re everywhere now... And no, I don’t care either.
MacGyver, clearly, was the best.
As a Virginia resident; yup, that about sums it up on so many levels.
Correct. Brain fart on my part, though to be fair I work with cylindrical air springs and pressure is the deciding factor on them, at least from an observational perspective, as that’s the number I watch as I make adjustments.