After the new ZR1 drives by
After the new ZR1 drives by
Yes it is.
I mean, you’re still gonna die. Happy Tuesday!
USA Today? More like USA Yesterday amirite
Those who can’t do, teach!
Sounds like Mr. Kazemi can’t drive.
Confederate Flag
Dick&Balls Guy
Pedo Bear
1000 Drunk rednecks with three last-names among them... this a racing event or a Roy Moore campaign event?
The video is sponsored by “Peters”
“Haha look at this, kids. Barbie Jeep racing. ... Unghhh racist banner, penis costume...”
The dog was just putting that unfortunate car down.
People in the comments already calling this a hot take but we love to bring out that old saying:
Perfect engine = (current engine + 20% more power)
Well, maybe the car wanted a taco, and was waiting patiently for its turn.
Don’t worry, they weren’t in the room alone. Sergio was there to drain any sexual tension that may have existed.
Reminds me of this.
The center is hollow and filled with nougaty goodness. Mmmm. Nougat.
I’ve heard of chemtrails controlling our minds, but now they’re trying to give us the clap too.
Photographic evidence that even people from Massachusetts have trouble spelling Massachusetts.
These people have all been fired.