Wait. I thought the big collector was the Sultan, but it was actually his brother and he just “inherited” it?
Wait. I thought the big collector was the Sultan, but it was actually his brother and he just “inherited” it?
Thanks, I wasn’t aware, and yeah, it doesn’t excuse anything. It happens to biological females all the time as well. And pretty much anybody that doesn’t fall into the “I hit the genetic lottery” strait white male with average family group.
I’m convinced that “people” that harass females simply because they are female are suffering from a combination of mommy issues and a condition in which their balls never dropped.
Yeah, his “apparatus” is a (dangerous) joke as well.
I see they made the rare Fiat Flounder appear much more frequently than actual production numbers would suggest.
While I would never condone this for obvious reasons, the reality is that the trailer isn’t actually that heavy and the Silverado is more than capable; the lack of brakes and the overall size being the exceptions. I am assuming it is a V8 or diesel, of course. But purely from a mass perspective, it’s not a big deal,…
That Mercedes-Benz fine is laughable. It’s “sorry honey, we’re going to have to skip this week’s diner out” miniscule. It’s equivalent to a person making $50k a year losing $83.
Laguna Seca has the proper way. Turns are numbered but the special sections are supplemented with nicknames.
Murray claims the customers he sought for the 100 road-legal versions of the T.50 mostly demanded a manual when offered a paddle-shift, and so far only one customer had an issue with the six-speed.
A friend and I were on our local two lane highway several years back when we came up on an old...well, I don’t remember now, a Civic, Corolla, or something like that had a “Death Straight to Hell Wobble” going on so violent we could see the car shaking from a good 500 feet back. When we got up to it (he was going…
When a top fuel car (rail or funny) drops a cylinder on a run and the car lurches or shimmies sideways, it is not because of an “explosion” or anything like that. It is because of the loss of traction on one side from the reduced thrust of the upward facing headers now down a cylinder.
Ummmm, ok then.
I don’t disagree. I started so I could promote my website. It’s definitely... shall we say, interesting.
Tell me about it. I got an OK Boomer on Twitter today. When I replied that I was not he responded that if I “post like a boomer does it matter?” I asked if by posting like one did he mean because I use proper grammar, am educated on history (it was a post related to it) or because I think for myself instead of blindly …
So Halloween is the new “talk like a pirate day?”
I feel kinda dirty staring your reply...
My God, that thing is U.G.L.Y.
Yeah, I know the feeling. When I bought my truck rebates were in the minimal $2k range. Within 3 months they had u-turned and were in the $5-6k range, and up to $10k a few more later. And there was no indication beforehand, as I’ve been here and other auto news sites since the beginning of the (modern & common) interne…
“Fuck this, I’m out!!” - Dog, formerly in Jeep