
Actually, I looked it up to get the rest of the story, since I only knew some basics. Turns out they both licensed it from the original inventor independently. A bunch of companies did actually. It’s a bit too much to go into here so here’s the link to the Wiki. Pretty interesting stuff.

My buddy and I have wanted to build a C3 Vette with a four rotor wankel for years now. Unfortunately, we’re both poor slobs that can only dream, at least for the time being.

Good God what the hell RPMs is that running? I’m an industrial mechanic and no motor I’ve been around sounds like that, at least not in reference to anything at work. Tiny motors (like R/C cars) can have that kind of pitch when they get up over 5k, but I’ve never heard anything over a couple of HP like that.

Was going to comment similar, but want to add that even better, it’s likely saving GM money in the long run, as they (and all unionized manufacturers) have to keep producing even when sales are slower and/or inventory is high due to contracts requiring them to pay workers even during shutdowns, reduced hours, etc.

Shitty sexist people; sexist shitty people.

Ok, so it’s not the first. That’s why I had the question mark.

First life saved by a halo? I have no doubt this would have been horrific without one, just not sure if this is the first crash where one came into play... and so dramatically.

The Corvette has had no problem putting Porsches on the trailer at the track for decades (especially $ for $), but on the sale’s floor, things are different. Few people cross shop high end sports cars. No Porsche guy is going to suddenly go Corvette and vice versa, no matter what the numbers are.

It’s the same as when they scream for gun control while surrounded by armed bodyguards.

We missed you, welcome back.

And that’s fine, very Jalop even. My statement wasn’t absolute; it was just to highlight the fact that while any car can be pressed into “family car” status, some are just not the most practical choice. This new 911 is in the group at the bottom of the list, but the Camaro and Mustang aren’t that much further up.

The LATCH system is government mandated, which no more makes it a family car than a Camaro or Mustang.

1989 Nissan Sentra... wagon.

Thanks for clarifying, and that makes some sense, but I think it would still be disconcerting to have the tach and speedo run different directions, at least after being so used to the traditional way. Old dogs, and all. Is this SOP for all/most left hand drive? 

Don’t feel too bad, I thought the same thing through most of the video and once the bag went off didn’t really pay much more attention to it. But then seeing the bit about his condition, way at the bottom of the article, thought “Oh, well that explains it; should have put that bit up towards the top of the article.”

That tach... that stupid damn backwards sweeping tack... Is that a thing on fancy cars?? That would drive me insane. Nevermind $2k for a fob, I’d have to spend probably $10k to have that fixed. You know, if I could actually afford an AM to begin with.

Are the Hello Kitty ears standard, or an extra cost option?

Are You Rad Enough To Go?

I may be some kind of driving masochist. I actually get a kick out of driving in dense cities and in the worst choices of vehicle for it. I have taken both my heavily modded 72 Vette with side pipes and crew cab z71 Silverado around Manhattan and through the area (I grew up on L.I., now in Va. and still go up semi

Kinja being wonky?!?!?! Say it ain’t so!!! Somebody feed Nibbles!!