
It has begun!!! The Mayans were right!!!

That was awesome. So was the Bob Lutz story.

Yeah, I figured it was something along those lines. I don't actually come to Deadspin much; usually only when there's a Jalopnik cross post or something significant about the admittedly narrow scope of non-car sports I follow. But I do usually scroll down to see the headlines of the other sites and this obviously

What the fuck does this have to do with sports? You could have at least just put this on the Gawker main site. But keep living in your dream world where the 2nd doesn't matter. Without it, there's nothing to protect the rest. And while you're in your dream world where you don't need the second, say hello to Stalin,

It would break the internets.

LOL Yes, it is a large and growing category. I just hope we "normal" car nuts don't get outnumbered.

I like beer as much as the next guy, but I don't want a fridge that ONLY dispenses beer. Make it at least a little larger so I can fit some junk food/Jager in there and some other beers for other's tastes. You know, to be polite for the guests.

I agree, that is a weird side of it, but it is just another side. We're part of one of the largest hobbies in the world; there's all kinds of subcategories. I can't stand the raised 20-something inch wheeled sedans, but it is part of the Jalopiverse, as are the million mile car lovers.

HA! You should check out some of the forums. WWII didn't create this much animosity.

*I don't want to add any text, Nibbles is fat enough.*

It's just a different side of the hobby. Personally if I had the dough, I would be getting the latest stuff too, but I still wouldn't give up my love of classics. I'm one of the ones that likes new tech in old cars, so I go that route, but I still would even if I was rich. Variety.

A bad backfire, which is what is happening in the case of the "nauwsss" as well, but doesn't require it.

Brake fluid is hygroscopic. Hygroscopic is the ability to absorb water or moisture. Hydrophilic is when a molecule is capable of hydrogen bonding and able to dissolve in water. They are related, but not the same. And BTW, hydroscopic is not even a real word, but is often misused in place of hygroscopic. A hydroscope

#8 No matter how unlikely something is, if it happened once, it can happen again, and here we sit. And there's trillions upon trillions of stars (with potential planets) in the universe. If the universe is infinite like we believe it may be (it's debatable), and there is a nearly infinite number of other galaxies (we

So you're saying firey death IN YOUR SLEEP!?!?!?

Hey, now, we're talking about Corvettes, not Camaros. But no, not a chance. No gold chains and no chest hair poking out from a partially unbuttoned shirt, either.

Watch your step; it can be a treacherous leap to enter the bandwagon; you have to clear stereotype gap to make it safely. Obviously some are bought due to MLC, but so are many other cars, motorcycles, boats, giant home theater systems, prostitutes, Las Vegas vacation packages, etc., etc. The main reason Corvettes and

The PT Loser is not, in any way, cool. Sedan/wagon/hatch thing nor convertible. It is not so bad it's cool; it's so bad it's horrible. I know from personal experience; my mother was given a slightly used one as a gift from her parents. Though I will admit it was reliable (it had 110k when traded in and nary an issue)

David Kimble; Fuck Yeah!

How about a real life cutaway?