
So you're telling us that the world's largest pro-gun rights organization, one of the largest lobbying groups of any kind , spends time talking about gun rights? What a revelation. And that they support the manufacturers of said guns? The same manufacturers that help support them? More revelation. And that the second

I'm aware there is not yet evidence, other than the altercation he had there a few days before. That's why I said, " maybe planned ahead some, or was at least methodical." Notice where I said, "maybe?" As for the injuries being more serious due to being .223 instead of a knife; yeah, no kidding, but the whole real

Uh, no. Just chose one everyone would recognize. The scumbag that did the Batman movie shooting in Aurora had a bunch (30+) of bombs at his house. That was all of six months ago. If he didn't have the guns, he could have just used the bombs at the movie instead.

I agree that is very disturbing and like I said, I dislike describing such things, but when something like this, or any other big news event occurs, emotions are high and people start knee-jerking. Rational thought and discussion is needed, and in many cases, it's the only way to get the point across. Would I have

And it's even easier to kill on a REALLY massive scale with fertilizer (notice were I mentioned McVeigh? 168, including 19 kids, dead, plus 400+ injuries). I'm not disagreeing with you, but you missed my point. There are many ways to kill people, even our bare hands, and I wasn't strictly talking about these mass

I didn't mean it like that, obviously Chinese Scumbag didn't want to only injure or that he didn't even have death on his mind, but he wasn't strictly focused on death or racking up a body count like Fucktard in Connecticut was. Fucktard was focused and maybe planned ahead some, or was at least methodical; Scumbag

You, and the others are right, the children in China didn't die (that we know of, the Chinese are well known for hiding the facts, and when I saw the report, it said many were in critical condition and unknown, but see below for something related). However, comparing these two incidents is difficult at best. The Sandy

I agree with needing at least a basic formula, but ONLY a basic one. Something along the lines of what Guac said, but I would add one thing: it must be from an American based company (that way someone besides The Big 2.5 could conceivably come up with something, but none of this "it's built in America" crap). Yeah, I

Not anymore, Jason.

Yeah, that's the point. If they make enough, the stock price goes up, and then they essentially will be paying it back.

The best I drove this year was a test drive of a slightly used 2011 CTS-V. Drove it for about twenty minuets and it was raining a bit. The only thing that sucked was that it was an automatic, but I used the pseudo flappy paddles (they're buttons on the back of the wheel) and it (the trans) worked decently. The car

The next gen Silverado being released tomorrow (for sale next year; does that still count?). I know it's not a car or what came to mind when most of us read the headline for today's QOTD, but it does ask "what's the most important," and from a numbers and dollars standpoint, it doesn't get any more important. This

Yeah, it was pretty nuts, glad it didn't get shut down, but since OC is all about tourism and that show brings many thousands of them, it would have been dumb of them to just end it. And to clarify, it wasn't the first show (it was something like the 15th annual), just my first time going after moving to the area from

My first time attending Ocean City, MD's big Spring Cruzin' show, back in somewhere around '97, it was still utter chaos, or from what we heard, the pinnacle of years of build up. The police were still seriously understaffed for the number of cars, gearheads, and spectators. Crazy wheelstanding launches from red

They changed the resin, but still use fiberglass as the reinforcer. The resin has always been plastic-like, but now it is officially classified as such.

I have a Silverado 4x4 crew cab. My mother is disabled and I often take her places. It's actually easier for her to get in and out of than a regular sized car and that is probably true for many others. Don't make assumptions.

I don't understand the hate for the gecko. It's just a company mascot, and not a particularly annoying one. He's not too in your face, yelling at you to do/buy/get something, he just calmly speaks his pitch; he doesn't sing any really annoying songs that get stuck in your head for days, or anything else all that bad.

A woman scorned...

"... to allow for more hygienic shitting while driving. Who wouldn't love a feature like that in your own car? You'd save a fortune on floor mats."

A racetrack.