What the Fuck? That is all.
So sorry to clog your internets. I didn't know we were required to read every comment; I must have missed the handout.
"...sexist, anti-environmental, elitist and economic values that must be abolished."
Sorry, can't say that I have...
There's been all sorts of unusual traffic tie-ups these day's.
I know exactly what you mean Paul. I live on the mainland just off of Chincoteague Island, Virginia (for those that don't know: [en.wikipedia.org]) and spend much time there, as nearly all my friends live on the Island. The speed limit is only 25 on the entire island, and it is also composed almost entirely of small…
The internet is 96%* porn and scantily clad woman. So think of all the cool, non-porn stuff that is on it and realize there is 24 times more porn then that.
Ahh, yeah, I have experience with those kinds of problems; my mother is disabled due to bad back and neck problems combined with a blood disorder that effects both her joints and her ability to get treatment, as well as several other issues. Back problems are all kinds of suck. I can certainly understand the…
It totally sucks, there are so many stories of people getting awarded huge money for nothing, then folks like me and your wife who had legitimate cases and get crap. I didn't really feel the need to go into it in my original post but I guess I shall. I'm a contractor and was given a sub job by a guy to do the roof on…
Yeah, started in Va. Beach, went up to the Eastern Shore were I live (Accomack Co.). The truck was out of state, but I just had to take the cash to my local bank, because the place I was buying it from said they would take a check. I just wanted to make sure the money was in there immediately because it was going into…
A reasonable cop shouldn't be, I'm licensed to carry and had a legitimate reason for the cash. I actually grew up seriously wanting to be a cop to the point of joining a volunteer program back home in NY and attending two academies. The only thing that prevented it was moving to Virginia at the same time my mother's…
Last year, I received a modest settlement in a work accident case. As is standard operating procedure, the insurance company paid my lawyer, who then cuts a check to me. Due to being out of work for an extended period from the injury, I had to relinquish my truck to the bank and planned to replace it with the…
It's not you. No #7 either...
Wait... So the military is to blame for automatic transmissions? Bastards!
I don't understand. They ignore traffic lights when they work, so why are they having a problem when they don't?