
A wise man once said, "If I wanted to watch a bunch of multicolored, identically shaped objects go around in circles, I'd just flush Skittles down my toilet."

I'll throw a couple more out there; The Tupperware car(I've actually seen this in print), That damn Yankee Car(guess who like's calling it that). I have more but it'll have to wait till I get home and can check one of my books for a memory refresh.

Understeer my bagel?

Screw you nibbles.

How about no doors?

Is this shop talk thing going to be all about taunting us with incomplete conversations? Yes, please, keep giving us stories with the last page ripped out. Thanks

Those stickers are put on to note the presence of bodily fluids, usually blood.

Hey, Route 13!! I'm sitting just 50 yards form it this very moment.

That's Ocean City, Md. Likely during the big spring or fall cruise. A few thousand cars swamp the town for about four days for official shows (the big one by a promotion company, with several smaller ones around), makeshift shows, and just to cruise. This sort of thing is very common during it. It used to be kinda

A mini HALO in Detroit huh? Explains a lot.

Yeah, that's Virgina, 20 over is reckless. I was fined $500 in addition. I was working full time to support my disabled mother and little sister in addition to going to high school, so I asked him if I could at least have a "work license" (I polity explained this to him), and his response was "walk". I probably

OK grumpy, what do you suggest is appropriate? I simply gave an example of a past experience to support my opinion but, not suggesting that is was necessarily appropriate for this situation, but as a contrast. So far you have only berated everyone else, including in way, Justin, for this posting. I'm not trying to

120 mph in daytime traffic by children with what is essentially the U.S. version of a learners permit that doesn't require a licensed driver to be with them ...I think a 7 day impound is a slap on the wrist, regardless of wealth, and nothing to these silver spooners. When I was 18 my license was suspended for six

This is why poor people think rich people are asshats.

It was 200 km/h.

I like how it's apparently the only used copy of the bunch.

Congress passed a law, coincidentally, on Sept. 1, 1979 that required speedometers to not indicate above 85. It was repealed about ten years later (don't know exactly, too lazy to look that up too). It's part of this wiki page, towards the bottom.

It's funny how that and the reverse can be like that. The town I lived in most recently before the move to Va. was as packed full as you could imagine yet the census says only about 30K (seems low compared to the towns land area). And some of the towns near me now are like you said (but apparently on a smaller scale),

"The small town of Cloquet, Minnesota (pop: 11,000)". If that's a "small town", what's mine (pop:540), an amoeba town? The big city is ruining your perspective Ray.

Diesel still needs air, no oxygen, no burn.