
I to was gonna nominate this one as I know of it and was hoping to go there sometime soon when funds allow but, I had previously heard that the cops were pretty good about leaving people alone as long as they weren't completely crazy. I guess the economic squeeze has given them a change of heart and have decided to go

Seeing that in it's entirety, I am now very disappointed. I caught the second half while channel surfing and thought it was pretty amusing. I should have known better.

But those shocks were mostly developed before the split, with an earlier, but not as good version, completely developed before.

"Tom Cruise is a human can of Red Bull, in that he's full of energy and also a little smaller than other cans." Not only is that pure comedy gold, but it is the best description of him I've ever heard. Awesome, Justin, pure awesome.

This scares me. I know LG has a good reputation product wise, but I had a problem with one of their flat screens, which in and of it self is ok, nothing can be perfect and it was just bad luck, but the way they handled it with me sucked. It died two weeks out of warranty and not only did they refuse to fudge the

I, obviously, am a Corvette guy, but I have much love for the rotary. I learned how to drive stick in my best friends 80 RX7, and we had many good times in it and the second one he acquired later. Plus, for those not aware, the history of the Corvette includes the Wankel. Zora loved it and wanted it in the Vette for

It's natural instinct and sometimes the better thing to do. You're driving on the left side of the car, turning right would put you closer to the impact. If you can see past the vehicle you're about to impact and see that the rest of the oncoming area is clear than turn left. Crash survivability is all about letting

That was a seriously awesome recanting, Matt. I'm a bit further away, on the Eastern Shore (you being new to VA, it's the little dinky peninsula across the Chesapeake,part of the Delmarva Peninsula), so didn't get as good a shake and therefore no opportunity to panic. At first I assumed my big ass dog was leaning

I agree completely. I too, am in Virginia, over on the Eastern Shore. However, I grew up in N.Y. and can't believe the belly aching. My first thought was "Hey an earthquake, I didn't have to go out west to scratch that off the bucket list". Now I will give them a little credit in that where I am is a giant sand bar

Matt says "admitted", or has he edited it since?

This is the first one I ever saw as a kid growing up on Long Island, being out east near the Hamptons (I'm not privileged enough to have grown up out there but my grandmother loved taking weekend trips to the beaches out there). It was built by a duck farmer during the depression and is now a souvenir shop. The eyes

The Indian at Riverhead Raceway in N.Y. It's for a race track, does it get any better?

Well played, Stig, well played indeed.

National Association of SILHOUETTE Car Racing

I don't think you can give a specific event or repair as the catalyst. It comes down to what is the car worth, how collectible/rare, overall condition, and, in us Jalops' case, sentiment value, versus the repair. It's a balance of these factors and they will be different in every case.

Because raceplane.

I live in a rural area now and most of the support fire trucks have full brush guards. If I had been in this situation with one of the guards on my FT, I would have "accidentally" brushed those SOB's as I went by. What are they gonna do, report it?

I was going to say something about that, but it was no where near as witty. So I will just leave it at this...

never mind, nibbles refuses to cooperate.