"Give me fuel
I've got quite a few myself, but one of the coolest, imho, is a genni 1978 Jim Beam Whiskey Corvette. It looks like a regular 1/18 scale model but under the rear hatch is a bottle top and it's full of Kentucky's finest. And yes, it's still full and sealed. Got it from my Grandfather.
Chevy 1970. A few highlights, but, by no means all of the available awsomeness
I put this in the Tips over a month ago...just sayin'.
Miura...no more needs to be said.
@sebastian_musclewhale: Oh no, the horror, I used brake instead of break. Working ten hours in 100 degree heat gets to you.
@Ben Wojdyla: Could cost nothing, all they have to do is use the same policy as the Nurburgring, you brake it, you buy it.
@dolo54 blows minds and blows engines!: The answer is always Miata... almost.
As of my vote, only a 2 vote difference. Was three before, just to let you know.
Want to pump your own gas in Jooisey? Drive a car the station guys are afraid to mess with. I've never been questioned when I get out and reach for the pump myself. The closest anyone ever got to pumping for me was on the NJTP, I was handing one guy my card and a second flipped up the filler door, took one look at the…
@Desu-San-Desu: I knew there was a reason you have a bright red heart under your avatar.
Not necessarily the worst, but bad enough, exhaust laws leaving noise level to the officers discretion. I got pulled for excessive noise in a 94 Concord after the cat broke up and clogged the muffler. I cut it out, but needed some stuff to replace it and had to wait due to all the local stores being closed but still…
@paintandswim09: I've been talking about something like this for years. Speed limits are designed for the lowest common denominator, below average driver skill in an old, outdated, poorly maintained car. If we can show that we have the skill to handle a vehicle at higher speeds and subject our vehicle to a special…
@godfathercorvette: Nibbles, what are you doing to me?
@SantaRita:It's because of track layout, some pit lanes are on the right, some are on the left. I've never heard of any major race or track being run in reverse.
CP for most intents and purposes, but if I were stupid rich, maybe NP just to see the confused/horrified/shocked/scared looks on people faces when I pull up and subsequently leave from a red light.
@godfathercorvette: Umm, why is my comment highlighted in pink? I've never seen that before.
Bravo, Jason for having the courage to right your wrong, all the more important being a journalist. That is something lacking in most journalists and publications in this day and age, even in regards to large, important issues (not to lessen this one). If more media outlets took a page from your playbook the world…
Bravo, Jason for having the courage to right your wrong, all the more important being a journalist. That is something lacking in most journalists and publications in this day and age, even in regards to large, important issues (not to lessen this one). If more media outlets took a page from your playbook the world…