
Bravo, Jason on your courage to right your earlier wrong, being a journalist making it all the more important to do so. That is something lacking in this day and age with most journalists and publications, even when in regards to large, important issues (not to lessen this one). If only all media outlets took a page

@phatnackySS: The general public doesn't notice such things and also notice they're calling it "unmarked detective package", not "unmarked patrol package".

@Novaload: I've done that too. That nook between the plenum and valve cover sure can hold quite a few tools. And once you put the air cleaner back on they're easy to miss.

@DeadBuick: That's awesome, and yes he is.

@BroncoMech: Yeah, when I first found this pic I thought that was pretty ironic but I couldn't resist saving it.

Welcome to The Dark Side (we have cookies)

Valet only...psshht. Looks like my car will never grace it with it's presence. Not that I'll be in Miami any time soon anyway.

Or you can get a Corvette with the museum delivery option. Built in the factory at Bowling Green, KY. Than it takes the MASSIVE journey ACROSS THE STREET to the NCM were you pick it up and drive home.

CP, only because of price, and even then, not by a whole lot. $5k less and it would be all kinds of nice price.

First gen RX-7. 70 cubic inches, only about the size of 1 and a half of the cylinders in my Chevy 350. And it didn't cheat using turbos.

Is that a giant blower in your engine bay, or are you just happy to see me?

Wow, Ben, that's some of the funniest shit on the 2012 apocalypse I've read yet. And probably the most accurate.

Hold my pipe, and watch this...

Number one doesn't apply to me, the only person in my family, or family friends, who is (was, he passed last year) into cars a little was my grandfather. But he completely gave it up before I was born, I didn't find out until I was older and already hooked. He raced MGs after The War (at the Glen mostly) and had a

@Crash Bandihoon: OK, a fire extinguisher might not be that bizarre, but the circumstances were. The fact they took it out of a 72 Corvette when there was about a dozen other cars wide open (my windows were closed but the doors unlocked) and it was the only non-beige, non-pick up there (and it wasn't about value,

If you don't care about yesterday's QOTD and you choose the car you want anyway.

Camaro and mullets...that has to be biggest cliched stigma of all time.