
Whenever anyone says patriarchy isn’t real all I do is mention all of the rape kits that go untested. Now, I can add that San Fransisco is using rape kits to convict VICTIMS of unrelated felonies. Let that sink into the brain flap of anyone that denies America has a Rape Culture. Or a Rape Culture problem.

I have a feeling it’s how the majority of ‘mericans cook & serve pasta, including an awful lot of us Italian-Americans. I don’t think it makes a difference for grocery store dried pasta, but for higher quality dry (see: Big John’s PFI down by the football stadium) or fresh? I’ll take the time, especially if it’s a

The fact that “well done” is an option when ordering online or via Pagliacci’s app warms my heart. (If I could set that to be the default for all of my orders, it might be perfect - it’s easily the best ordering app I’ve ever used. I don’t know if it was built on an existing template or from scratch, but it’s

Megan Mullally AND Mira Sorvino?!

I was in marching band throughout high school. One of the myriad ways they exploited  engaged the band kids to raise money was parades. I’ve marched in more parades in my life than I care to admit. One of the worst parts of marching in a parade is horses...  You’re marching along, playing an instrument, you’ve got no

There’s, like, a dozen different pubs that all claim to be the “oldest in England”, and each one can back it up using a different method (one has parts of a building from 947, another documents some dude having started brewing in their building in 953, a bunch just say “according to legend”). I think I, a Californian

I’d be willing to bet 90% of people anywhere but Italy put their pasta sauce on top of their pasta. It’s not wrong, it’s just not authentic. Besides, cooking is only wrong if it’s unintentional. Defying the gas bags on Food Network just means you’re making a recipe your own. 

I can’t go full charcoal, but my idea of the ideal roasted marshmallow is to carmelize the outside, pull that off and eat it, then carmelize the next layer in, and so on.


Of course it's on fire, I stuck it in a fire!

I cook and enjoy eating Cream of Whatever-based casseroles and crockpot dishes,

I like my Cream of Wheat stiff (spoon can stand up stiff) I either use a little bit less water or add extra after the initial, regular serving goes into the boiling water. I take the box and sprinkle some more it. Some times this causes gummy lumps in it which I love.

Serial killer or cereal killer?

He was always such a nice neighbour, watered our plants when we were away, took in parcels for us, fed the cat, made a lovely cake for my wife’s birthday, helped me get my car started during that cold snap in December...... but that oatmeal thing...’ *shudder* ‘Should’a known he was a wrong ‘un, a demon in human

“roasted” marshmallows must be black hard crusted molten lava.

Also, the Quaker Instant Oatmeal? I eat it dry. No water.

People don’t cook hotdogs/brats or pizza nearly long enough.

When I’m making Southern-style green beans, I cook the green beans with tomatoes for quite a long time, until they are soft. I also cook them other more chefy ways...but the overcooked green beans are part of my heritage!)

I cook and enjoy eating Cream of Whatever-based casseroles and crockpot dishes, despite the scorn heaped upon them by modern fancypants food knowers. I grew up in the 1970s and ‘80s and my mother’s people are from the Midwest; the casserole is my culinary heritage. If you don’t like that, it’s okay, you’re not invited

I’ve always topped my noodles with the spaghetti sauce. Nothing wrong with that!