
What Lies Beneath is a solid movie, no idea people didn’t like it.

Spare us, dude. Bleeding hearts for the suffering mega-yacht industry?

Eating raw meat, if you’re doing some level of prep to it (such as cutting, seasoning, etc.) can be totally fine. Taking bites out of whole steaks or whatnot seems quite unpleasant.

Flavor, mouth feel, energy level, bowel movements. Just a couple reasons.

Because cheeseburgers, ham, bacon, salmon and crab are meat.

They’re not doing what I want!

This is a breathtakingly piss poor take, and you should be ashamed of yourself, Susan.

still a solid 30 percent of people eligible to get the jab who aren’t fully vaccinated

Soooo….what’s your plan? Have White House interns hand deliver tests to people? Get the Army Corps employees to start manufacturing tests in-house? Arrest and force vaccinate the people who refuse to get the shot or forcibly remove them to remote locations?

Because we are

I fear we are watching the last, gasping breaths of Jezebel. 

back to no SNS again, huh

This is one of those situations where I desperately wish someone, anyone, could sit down both parties and get through to them that their lives will be 100% better if they just shut up and stay off social media. Do not write that book. Do not do those interviews. Do not hit send on that shitpost. Realize that the best

“Perhaps it slipped his mind that the Catholic Church is arguably history’s foremost, greatest, and most ruthless colonizer.”