
Wow. He sure picked the right mistake.

because he thought I was going to fall in love with him or someshit because he was the first guy out the gate. No, dude. No.

I vote for heart attack. Don’t want any “unfit to stand trial” nonsense.

And don’t forget, Reality TV managed to crack the performers and technicians unions. They don’t use union labor and have shattered what shreds of security performers had.


Barr’s been doing evil shit for a long, long time, so in the end I’m sure he’ll ditch Dump and run, but he’ll cause maximum unfixable damage first.

Eh, the people around him hate him as much as we do. They’ll use him (See McConnell, Graham, etc.) as much as they can but they don’t actually care when he goes down. 

And then turning on McConnell.

Sure it will. They’re both evil old weasels who get out of everything. All they have to do is tie proceedings up in the courts that they’ve stacked and sit back on their piles of money while preventing women from getting abortions.

Exactly! I’d hate to be the underwriter on those claims.

Oh what a tangled web is woven!

No jury in the land would convict her.

I immediately went back in time to my old costuming teacher telling about how a friend of hers had her husband borrow her Die Shear scissors TO WRAP GIFTS WITH.

Men just insist on their own reality at all times. You could be setting their hair on fire while speed dialing 911 and they’d think you were being coy.

He’s coming across as somebody who apparently really needs to believe this! Which is so fucking sad and gross.

It’s so weird/gross that she first came to attention in The Professional, where her character does exactly that with every 40+ male in the film.

Like, unless it was a photo of their wedding? It ain’t evidence of jack.

It’s astounding, isn’t it? Talk about The Patriarchy Hurts Men Too: I hear way too many stories of men constructing entire fantasy lives out of interacting with the library lady or local cashier. They honestly are so emotionally impoverished that routine politeness becomes an entire garden of delusion.


It’s like a story I think I read here on Jez where a woman found a feather boa in some guy’s room (I think he was a friend of hers) and when she asked about it, he went on and on about how this stripper had given it to him and really seemed to like and connect with him. She couldn’t believe how much emotion and need