
Makes total sense. If you’re told literally since you come into the world that A) You’re the reason your own mother is now on the downhill slide, due to pregnancy and birth, and B) you only have X amount of time before you yourself are shunned and cast aside, who would want to rush that process through getting knocked

The “irreconcilable differences” are that she aged out and he only likes ‘em under 18.

I was only hostile to the notion of tearing passages out of books and keeping them while chucking the rest. I mean, what?

In thirty seconds, once their worthless yet protein rich butts waddled far enough into bear/wolf/coyote country.

Clarence Thomas can be summed up as: a man who spent his entire life trying to make the wrong people love him.

I think he’s got a fetish for preventing urination.

The best part is that he started out at twenty bucks a month, then dropped it to eight by the end of that day after the blowback. So his very first day as CEO he devalued his asset by 60%.

Or accept the cursed gift that is civilization and leave nature in peace.

Shrews don’t even care.

Yo! Don’t come around here much since Jez shut me down with no notice but couldn’t resist crow murder!

Grievous Bodily Harm?

It’s gonna be tough wearing masks of all six faux-SCOTUS justices, but anything for revenge.


Yes, indeed. Without constant outrage infusions they wither and die.


Did it a week ago!

THANK YOU. I can’t believe how far downthread I had to come to see this!

They’d be rich. They wouldn’t care.

Same reason they voted for Brexit: outright lies to the general populace that once exposed didn’t change their minds, and a fortune to be made for the 1% at the top.

Yeah, I think the reason the film works is that Elle isn’t using her sexuality as a weapon or a method of climbing a ladder. She just likes looking good, and knowing that others think so. Early on, when she rips the two smug salesgirls a new one for trying to foist a substandard dress on her, she shows that she’s not