
That’ll leave a lot of empty jail cells!

Douche Bank and this grifting family of criminal traitors were clearly made for each other.

You look fantastic, that vacation did wonders. But I beg you, don’t leave again.

He’s definitely of the “make you stand in front of his desk for agonizing minutes while he sighs, leans back, purses his lips, and gazes out the window, his visage a mask of disappointment and a curious enjoyment mingled together” school.

And Venezuela, because Dump decided that if fighting one war would keep him in office, two must be even better!

Catch Kavvy after one of his ten “it’s only beer” lunches and he’d probably okay Dump burning down the Court building.

Don’t worry, buddy, you aren’t the president.

It certainly wins the admiration of enough moron voters to be a consistently viable strategy.

His name was a clue in yesterday’s crossword puzzle and now I’m not sure what the author was hinting at.

So Dump has turned Congressional oversight into a Schrodinger’s Box: as long as nobody opens it they may or may not have power to put the brakes on/continue to obscenely enrich themselves, but if they do, it will collapse into “He refused to leave office and we’re fucked.”

While never moving your face, not even once.

No, your fucking tariffs are taking care of the farmers just fine, you orange wad of pus.

“He never did anything that was inappropriate except for one time.

I have never ever been so glad to be old.

Yep, ask me again why we do not partner with third party delivery services, people who live twenty miles away from our stores.

Dying, no, but permanent major injury and brain trauma that will cost literal millions in car? Still very possible.

Throw in the disaster that is Dump’s tariff hard on and yep. Pretty soon the entire bubble will burst and make 2008 look like the nineties.

I live in Seattle where we’re one step away from con artists just outright selling your home out from under you. The property prices are so crazy that actual homeowners are hassled multiple times daily by real estate agents (some legit and some very shady) coming to their doors, leaving cards, trying to put signs on

Huh, I would have said Seattle!

Yup. Honestly, when was the last time you actually went to a block fair or club or whatever? It’s hard enough hauling my lazy ass to lunch three blocks away.