
However, this doesn’t mean you have to move into a dense, walkable neighborhood—especially if that move would mean paying more than you can afford in housing costs.

I loves me a struggling T Rex.

To quote the film Parenthood: “By the third one, you know, you let ‘em juggle knives.”

Lightning keeps hitting them when they’re out on the leas.

Most people are morally ambiguous, which explains our random dying patterns!

Votes. These people huff power like keyboard cleaner, and they want to stay in office to destroy the country.

Yup. Dump’s handlers know that will cinch the election.

I think Flynn actually deluded himself that he could have some of those sweet illegal goodies and still serve his country, unlike Manafort, Barr, etc. who were only ever in it for the piles of tax free money and stomping everybody who isn’t a cigender white guy making a hundred grand a year.

And yet Jez greyed me out of nowhere after five years of commenting. I expected to be greyed here but, man.

The thing is, Barr’s a cunning shitweasel and he’s already lived through dozens of these dirty deals. Like when Harris and the rest were throwing him around the hearing and he looked bad? But he didn’t look legally guilty, and that’s all he cares about.

Us dying off as a species.

You are the best, my Fanda.

I promise you every single one of these guys has paid for multiple abortions for their own mistresses and their sons. Daughters also, of course. They think they’re real understanding because they gave all these women a ride to the clinic.

The kind of person who probably “talked” dozens of victims out of filing charges “because think of how you’ll look to your family and friends.”

Of course they believe Barr. That gets them their tax cuts and eliminating women’s rights. They’ve already stacked the courts. They have nothing to lose. They don’t give one rat’s ass about this country or any of their civic duties.

We can’t exhaust any other remedies because Dump is so flagrant and brazen in ignoring it all. He clearly is planning to ride this out in the courts, start a war with Iran because we don’t tend to change presidents in wartime, keep stringing out both debacles while adding new ones and conveniently die without spending

I’d say what this company needs is to not be run by a self-aggrandizing maniac who runs afoul of SEC and gets sued by people he calls pedophiles using tweets.

I just posted this!