I feel like I didn’t need to know about Harry Hamlin’s porn watching habits. Maybe because he’s my mom’s crush from back in the Clash of the Titans days.
I feel like I didn’t need to know about Harry Hamlin’s porn watching habits. Maybe because he’s my mom’s crush from back in the Clash of the Titans days.
My favorite description of Jughead is “G Rated hedonist.”
And can you blame them? “See, honey, redheads rule!”
If interested in this, I recommend the terrific book What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew. It’s a book of info about just about everything in England from Victoria through WWI. It’s got a easy to understand layout of how titles work, who’s above who, etc.
And certainly not as you head off to put more kids in cages, asshole.
It’s like a really astringent palate-clearing course during the worst dinner party ever.
Well, it turns out that John Lambert, one of the co-founders of this prestigious group, might be going to jail. Turns out he’s a bad person and a scam artist!
Cults sure stick with the basics, don’t they?
From what I remember, they found a thumb drive with the footage from the White Wyrm showing Jason from the back, tied to a chair. Clifford comes in and says something, then shoots him at close range. Jason slumps over and Clifford leaves. They all watched it but it was FP, I think, who made the recording and hid it in…
You can harvest part of a liver or one lung, but the idea of people going “oh I’m fine!” a few days after surgery like that would be even stupider than Fangs and Kevin bouncing about right after being sawed in half in Edgar’s closet.
I cannot believe we’re at the finale and NOBODY has gone to Polly and asked what her deal is.
Drugs might interfere with those juicy organs.
How much current boxing experience does he really have, though? I mean, Archie’s been training nonstop, pretty much and Hiram hasn’t. (I know, I know, Riverdale.)
She’s hella devoted, then, because at the very LEAST I would be pretty pissed at all those spare kidneys going for macabre “let’s freak out Betty” freezer decor while I sat around having my blood cleaned.
Man, those clacking balls contain the power of the gods.
But Jason’s twin was Cheryl! That’s her whole thing! And she’s alive (if not especially well) so what the hell?
It does fit in perfectly with Archie’s magical ability to make a gangster regress to a whiny pissbaby whenever he’s around!
That’s what they THOUGHT they saw: as I recall, you saw Mr. Blossom’s face but Jason just from the back, it could have been faked. (although that means Clifford at least had to be involved—unless they dummied up his gun to fire a blank/trigger a squib? Man, this is nuts.)
But man, Toni, if your girlfriend rescues you off the surgery table at scalpel point and then heroically throws herself against two giant orderlies to effect your escape, run more than ten feet! I get she was worried but right now it’s she who runs away lives to fight another day!