
Stacy’s commitment to her blindness is up there with Oedipus, it’s true.

My name is on my thermos!

Diane Keaton reminds me so much of my mom.

I’ll fight you for him!

Seriously, I was surprised he didn’t have bricks and shit chucked at his stupid face.

Shake shake shake, shake shake shake, shake your booty of joy!

Sometimes the message gets scrambled despite best intentions.

The best part is all the  cheering in the second video!

Oh, man, when they were doing the whole Heathers thing and Toni showed up in that red hooker gear outfit I was all WAIT a damn minute. Even Weatherbee The Hypnotized would not be down with that, especially on a South Side girl. He’s the one who tried to stuff them all into khakis and polos that first season.

Untenable for me and my family whom I cheated on, deserted and refused to pay alimony and support to. UNTENABLE, I SAY!

Young white GAY man. Wohl’s obsession with gay sex/hatred of same will probably come to the fore here (hee I said come I am twelve.)

He’s a 4chan board come to life. Stumbling, drooling, tripping over his shoelaces life.

My dream is Shkreli and Wohl forced to share a cell while battling over whose last name is misspelled more often.

Talk about failing up. “I shouldn’t go to jail because I’m so bad at my chosen crimes that there’s no actual damage!”

I’d say this guy has a completely actionable case in civil court at least. Caveat; I am only a lawyer due to my advanced degree in watching Law and Order.

Channing can lose bets at my house all day every day.

Mother’s Day Brunch is, according to professional restaurant workers, THE most dreaded day on the calendar, outstripping even New Year’s Eve and St. Patrick’s day for amateur drunks getting absolutely shitfaced and rowdy, only this time it’s 10 a.m. and everybody’s puking down their pastel separates.

Boy, it’s almost like the society that took Christmas and turned into a spending orgy featuring a version of Santa Claus designed by Coca Cola might not have our best interests in mind.

Yep. I send my mom a card, call, and include a Baskin-Robbins gift card because she and her friends like to go out for ice cream. What I really want is to set her up with a car service so she can go more places, but she lives with my sister across the country and it’s insanely hard to coordinate.

He is a giant, lumpy orange magnet to their hateful iron filings.