
Anybody with a scrap of self worth/professional competence doesn’t want the permanent bronze hand-clutch smear of the Dump administration across their resume. Hell, the bastard isn’t even out of office and we’ve hit maximum saturation on tell all books and memoirs, and think tanks can only offer so many cushy,

I’m sure the first thing he did was head to a bar and get drunk, loudly declaiming how that damn vindictive bitch had deliberately ruined the prospect of this job.

And they can climb fences!

I encourage his ex to be vindictive as FUCK from here on out. Make sure that piece of shit is wearing a barrel with straps.

If Mel cracks that poison ring and pulls a We Have Always Lived In The Castle I shall dance in the streets.

Or he’s the guy that got tattooed a year ago and is working with Hiram/Edgar as the on site GK.


He had his picture taken with whoever is his husband now at the dance, so they still have him wandering the background.

And gym decorations! Where did all that come from?

THANK YOU. Archie isn’t meant for college, which is fine! Considering what a cash sump/bait and switch most college educations have become, his saying so and sticking to that make him seem smarter than anything else he’s done.

Edgar, he of the needlessly toned cheese-grated abs,

Not having leaks in his office is a HUGE thing for Mueller, which is why the report is considered trustworthy in the first place. But if he stands behind that report, he should fucking well say so.

Seriously. Dude, just say it. It’s true.

Yep. Everybody’s indignant on this young woman’s vagina’s behalf, but not on the whole “she does this TO NOT GET EVICTED” issue.

What gets me is that pretty much the only place an 18 year old high school student can make enough cash to bail out her finances is porn.

“The embarrassment to everyone in the communities,” he said, according to the transcript. “Oh my God, it would just be — Yeah. Ugh.”

While my sister and mother fight it out to be first in line for Austen, I’ll be over at Gothic world because there’s little I wouldn’t do to be married, however briefly, to Vincent Price. He was all the Yum.

Nope, sorry.

The thing is, even the wokest guy who ever woked is still in the phase where he’s mainly in it for the accolades. Nobody wants to do the endless grunt work that is life when they can barely make an effort and get cookies instead.

It’s always amazing to watch a full grown voting adult suddenly realize that if he wants marriage and kids, he MIGHT HAVE TO MAKE SOME CHANGES IN HIS LIFE.