I Had to Change My Username

I agree with you, and would like to add that there does seem to be a difference between donating food (which is using an organization more as a distributer) and donating money (for an organization to do with what it will and not be taxed for it).


The real twist would be if they reverted to the original version and she just turns into sea foam at the end as punishment for disobeying her father.

A serial philanderer who regularly disguised himself as animals to have sex with mortals, sewed two of his children into his thigh after his wife had their mother killed, and made his demi-god children complete trials in order to be worthy of his affection gives exactly zero fucks (Except for literal fucks. Because

Weirdly enough, I think the “production seams” actually added to the 1950s-kitsch aesthetic of the whole thing. 

I also felt slightly sick for the entire episode and did gag a little bit at the Constantine-induced vomiting. 

A giant alien moth caught getting zapped, and then the remaining letters on the sign spelling “Crispy Bugs” is classic Legends.

I am very concerned that somehow Gideon might end up the season Big Bad. Because if we’re really thinking back on it, how did Gideon not clock that Sara was missing?

Been rewatching Doctor Who and he showed up in an old Tennant episode (with what I assume was a Kentucky accent?) and I was like, “hey, that guy!” But that’s pretty much the extent of my awareness. 

It sounds like this is a civil suit; the Confrontation Clause only applies in criminal cases. It’s a strange situation in that the case hinges almost entirely on testimony from victims and witnesses, which means their credibility is squarely at issue. The best way to prove/undermine credibility is through questioning.

At least the age gap was intentional. I think its worse when a female lead is supposed to be only slightly younger or the same age as the male lead but the actress is significantly younger. A recent, hilarious example is Hobbs & Shaw in which Vanessa Kirby (33) is supposed to be Jason Statham’s (53) slightly younger

Streaming also has the benefit of a potential higher delayed viewership after the first few people watch and possibly recommend. Not having to rely on the make or break network model is definitely an advantage for shows that haven’t quite found their footing or have a bad title or both.

Time will definitely tell, but, in the meantime, I remain concerned.

My mom started watching Legends with me, and as a more casual viewer, her first reaction to the Gary-reveal was, “Is that why he’s so weird?”

Y’all, I’m worried about Gideon. She’s always been a mischievous perv, but the downright glee with which she suggested dissecting Spooner’s brain was distressing. Lychesis exploited dear Gideon, and I’m concerned about the long-term effects. 

Who looks like Nora Darhk because WHY THE FUCK NOT.

I like the premiere of S2, but I agree that “Raiders of the Lost Art” is the real turning point.

The Western episode is when they first introduce Jonah Hex, so it might be worth it for that. 

It helped that two of those villains were played by John Barrowman (clearly having the more fun playing Malcolm Merlyn on Legends than he did on Arrow) and Neil McDonough, really cutting the fuck loose.

Legends of To-meow-meow had the same kind of delightful disbelief, but not at that level.