I Had to Change My Username

Yes, the last one. And yeah, the massacre was... woof and not even the end of all the death (but it did give us “King Shark is a shark,” so). And yes, knowing they’re making them for adults gives them some more wiggle room. However, the old Batman the Animated Series and JL/JLU series show you can make kids’ series

Justice League Dark: Apokolips stayed with me for days. 

Well, when you put it like that... it sounds like some real toxic masculinity bullshit. 

I guess ladies stealing is more morally reprehensible than men murdering. 

Every time that actor shows up I yell “Todd!”

My sister did, and I received a wee bit of shaming for not recognizing it. 

For some reason, I imagined that, when LW1 went to her boyfriend’s office, she swanned in wearing a fur coat, which she promptly threw at the receptionist to hang up.

An he really does make things worse. 

His voice is terrible, but the way his mouth moves is horrifying. Only slightly less nauseating than the things he says. 

I literally laughed out loud at the answer about Berlinda.

I think maybe that would have been explored a bit more if, y’know, the guy wasn’t dead. I think Dan’s advice is good and much better in light of helping this woman grieve her husband.

I completely get the compulsive cleaning as a way to try to exercise control. The day I found out my uncle died I cleaned the entire house, including the oven and baseboards. I think I cleaned for 10 hours straight. 



I am trying to decide if a balcony is better than if he just thought he was on a balcony, but is actually jumping up and down in place, huffing and puffing.

If sometime in the (probably distant) future we do get an A-Force show/movie, it would be awesome if Lyrica Okano could reprise her role as Nico because she was excellent.