She-Hulk is one of my favorite comics characters of all time, and this casting is so, so good.
“...asking me whether I really loved her...” implies that he had already said it before two weeks! [Whether some coercion, subconscious or not, was involved is a separate question.]
Choking is terrifying. The one time it happened to me I literally pressed both feet against the wall and shot myself back and off the bed like a frog. The bruise I got on my butt was worth it to get across my point.
Corona has meant talking people into watching shows I love but they were skeptical about (Legends of Tomorrow, Sense8, Angel). I was talking to my mom about how I can’t in good conscience really recommend Supernatural to someone who wasn’t already a little interested because 1) it’s fifteen goddamn seasons; and 2) 4.5…
My favorite bit was, while Chloe was interviewing the neighbor, Lucifer was out-of-focus in the background frantically chasing down the officers trying to “mojo” them.
“Making love” is one of those phrases that makes my skin crawl, and I’m not sure why.
Yeah, I genuinely could not remember. I haven’t watched it since it aired.
He did stare quite well though.
I can’t remember if it knew at the time it was to be a series finale or not?
Here, take your star.
Jesus Christ, THEIR*
I don’t know. I think the reasoning might be that it, theoretically, has the broadest appeal for families (who are the most likely to see $30 as a deal) and they spent so much money on it and are trying to make at least some of it back now. Maybe they also think the hype for this movie is more likely to fade out,…
Same! I was so excited when the team basically adopted him.
They’re flirty quibble over whether “Quake” is a silly moniker was one of my favorite moments in the final season.
I really, really hope not, but it’s starting to look more and more likely which sucks.
With how willing members of the ISA were to casually murder other members, I’m curious as to how the line-up stayed so consistent for as long as it did. Was Jordan really that firm of a hand guiding the ISA? Did Tigress/Sportsmaster (honestly, loving those two and their batshit approach to being enforcers) really spin…
Seems like a pretty useful ancillary ability for someone who spends that much time around knives.
My impression was, in the scene from the season premiere where the Russians invaded, when Diego twirled off the car he actually deflected the bullets being shot at him. They curve, I believe, which is one of the reasons I was intrigued by Diego’s obsessions with JFK. So definitely a new facet of his ability but I…