
The more this story unfolds, the more my head tilts like a dog who has heard something curious but incomprehensible.

the most BRUH that has ever BRUH’d

Nah, its cool, since magical gremlins pick up your trash there.

Because she’s art school given human form.

What the fuck? Even Hooters lets women wear sneakers. And high heels are so unsafe in a resturant. What if there’s a spill or they break a plate? I thought servers had to wear footwear like non-slip sneakers because it’s a giant fucking liability otherwise.

I, for one, welcome our new insect hors d’oeuvres.

I swear to God, there needs to be a law against dads being allowed to drive on road trips: WHY are you all so morally opposed to stopping? People get sick, or hungry, or just need to stretch their goddamn legs. This is not Oregon Trail! Christ </rant>

They ain’t heavy, they’re your...ah, you get it.

ooh! Ooh! My mom’s family is from S. Florida, so “family vacation” always meant “visit Gramma and Grampa in Ft. Lauderdale. Cool. It has a beach! My grandparents live like, on the damn beach so my brother and I would jump out of the car, throw on a swim suit and run head long into the water on a semi public-ish beach

When I was 7, my family drove across country. It was a really fun trip - we camped, visited family and went to a lot of tourist sites (even getting locked in Lincoln’s tomb one night!). On the way back to California, my dad convinced talked my mom into camping on the banks of the Mississippi which had been a childhood

I’d really love to try lab-grown triceratops meat. Science people: please don’t explain to me why this isn’t possible. Let me dream.

We can always tell. I have a bunch of cousins that are her color. My own daughter is very fair with straight hair. I’m medium brown with 4c hair. I took one look at her and went, ‘yep, white.’

It was already annoying being mixed and looking white without this “tragic faux-latto” bullshit in the news.

“Hey, you’re black, right?”

I’m on record as stating that I’ll eat insects a) if they taste OK, and b) if they do not look in any way like insects.

Meat went from this “every so often as a treat” thing to a daily staple and it’s wrecked us. It’s not good for us at all. I try to have meatless days but then it’s mostly pasta and salad.