
I find this shocking, as I was certain Ted Cruz was a russet potato born of potato parents.

Seriously, BCO is one of the only reasons I come to Gawker, and I cried with joy when I saw it was moving to Wonkette.

Buh-bye, most of my page views, Gawker. Lindy West has moved on and you’ve kicked Pinkham to the curb, and as I’ve recently discovered, Wonkette is more funny anyway?

aaa NOOO, but i would go for Chicken Kiev now covered in jello

She’s actually talking about tightlacing which is a body modification thing to get your waist as small as possible. Yes, it can move your ribs and organs around but the human body is pretty resilient.

I’m sure she’ll be treated the same as say, a male African American drug dealer with no DEA agent father?

Do these people not have jobs or pets or friends?

old white men.

Old people.

“and their viewers complain if they repeat outfits too frequently.”

Godspeed, and I’ll be at Wonkette next Monday.

Pinkham, I am not going to lie, yours was a blog I had looked forward to commenting on each week, and during the typical Monday struggles of a mundane office job your posts brightened my mornings. It was your blog where a comment of mine reached over 200 stars for the first time, and I had looked forward to the day I

That’s still illegal and should be classified as rape since an inmate can never truly consent due the power dynamics.

I have a brother who I didn’t see much growing up due to blended families. He had quite a drug problem around the time our other brother had gotten married and was high as fuck at the wedding. I was taking turns dancing with my dad/brothers and when it was his turn, he forgot we were related and hit on me. Um,

This news is trash. This blog is not.

Damn I loved this blog. Long may it live in our hearts and minds! Jane, thank you so much for giving me the chance to contribute; it has been an absolute pleasure.

Jezebel Commenter On Jenny McCarthy Having A Radio Show: ‘Ick!’

Do I have to? I’d kinda rather not.

Do you ever just read stuff like this and think “we as a species really deserve to be hit by a meteor”?

I used to date a girl who was functionally deaf without her hearing aid, and she once admitted to me that she just turned the thing off around people she didn’t like.

Except for Kitchenette of course.