
I’m just wondering what part of gawker’s business model it is to send away some of their most popular series?

This is the same Denny’s that my theatre friends and I would always go to after our shows. So I hope it wasn't Cindy who got punched...

Any hypothetical future kids I have are way more likely to be fucked over by my genetics than by the odd bowl of in-uetero fruit loops/

Yup, we were required to go after them as far as the front sidewalk, which meant there was a lot of screaming and cursing. :/

Company policy didn't really care about the safety of their 17 year old servers.

Every dine and dasher I ever had to try and run down was a white person between late twenties and early thirties. Because they’re old enough to not get watched for being a teen, so they think they can get away with it.

Well a dude I have a lit class with also got arrested on the subway yesterday, but that was for having a penknife and back talking the nypd..

1st: Nobody should ever feel pressured into elective plastic surgery, especially because they think everyone is staring at their camel toe, when really everyone else is more focused on thinking everyone is staring at their crotch. 2nd: Just throw an extra layer of spandex on, wearing those little stretchy yoga shorts

That wailing you hear is the sound of my Greatmother’s heart breaking.

You know what, Im in the camp of “sure, leggings aren’t pants, but they’re comfy as hell so I’m gonna wear them”

It is literally thinking like this that makes legislation necessary.

My (depressingly bleak) takeaway on this is that when this goes to trial the defense can’t argue that it was in any way consensual, because you know, tongues don’t get bitten off as foreplay.

And this dear readers, is how you never get invited to family events ever again.

yup, that’s my read on this.

I call it resting douche face.

Ugh, I went to that foundations website, and its all about painting teen pregnancy as punishment for young women having sex. In its ‘facts’ tab it literally lists the fact that 8 out of 10 teen fathers don't marry their baby momma as one of the negative aspects of sex. Because forcing two 16 year olds to get married

I will be the first in line to use my little sister’s employee discount on that green feathered coat.

I’m for Katee Sackoff as Carol, she's got the acting skills, as well as the tall, strong physical type down. (I just really really loved battlestar galactica)

Just a month and a half ago I ended up camping in Yellowstone a couple of days after the hiker got eaten, but before they found the bear in question. Knowing this, being a fairly experienced camper, and having two different cans of bear spray in my possession, if I had actually run into a bear I would have probably

An enterprising friend of mine is apparently planning to do the campout just so that he can turn around and sell the food to other college students. An idea which I don’t totally hate? (Its also one of the only reasons I can see why anyone should be willing to do this)