
yeah, I think Kendell has a chance of ending up ok, Kylie reminds me of girls I went to high school with who didn’t end up so great and it is concerning

I'm worried for her, too. She still a kid even if she is about to turn eighteen. Her relationship with Tyga is concerning. I don't know if there is anyone in her life talking to her about her choices or her future.

I am low key concerned for Kylie, like she’s got so much going for her, coming from money and all that, but she’s also dropped out of high school, involved with a creepily older dude, and the fact that she is constantly in the public eye has definitely messed with her perception of what is normal, or even what is

Not all these women get dumped...most of them are trashing the dress post wedding. I’m actually more in favor of trashing a dress in the case of getting dumped because you can bet your ass that if I am at the stage of wedding planning where I have the dress in hand and my dude dumps me I am going to break shit. That

What is it about weddings that makes common sense fly out the window?

Trashing the dress is so weird. I am starting to hate that it is a thing. Why even bother spending the money on the dress? You spend hundreds or thousands on a dress and then make it worthless and unusable for anyone else. Why not donate it or give it to Goodwill so another less fortunate bride can use it? Why not

Settling in for this post like the creeper I am.

Oh god, no, not shoulder blades. Slutty, slutty shoulder blades.

even some of our male students, who had some serious concerns

If you show that scene to a large number of people, I’m pretty sure someone will have this reaction

This seems like a way more Irish solution.

If so, he certainly had reason to believe there was an imminent threat.

Do u think the dude that shot him in the face recognized him and that’s why he shot him?

Well to be fair, most 60-year-olds can’t buy $15,000 dresses either. And anyone who can afford to spend that kind of money on a single outfit doesn’t actually have trouble finding anything to wear, not if they’re trying. I’m all about the old broads but I don’t really get this argument.

I appreciate that you put “a Florida woman” in the opening sentence. Meant that I could confirm my suspicions from the headline without reading the whole story. Yay, inference skills.

If you think about it, the logic behind it totally works: no more drug problems if they all starve to death :(

It does appear the hand of god reached down and smeared Vaseline on the lens, though.