
I heard that they tried this in Thailand, but found it too expensive to put “My condolences for your loss” on ping-pong balls.

When I was on active duty, I was in the honor guard for three years. So I went to about 1500 funerals. I guarantee that approximately 1499 of them would have checked the strippers and snakes box were it available to them.....

Why on earth would the judge refuse to grant the request for DNA testing? It could have saved heartbreak and trauma all around.

I understand the desire too, and I like to think that life in prison is a far, far worse punishment. He’d likely be sent to a supermax in Colorado, where he’ll spend most of his life in solitary confinement. And he’s young, so he might have a looooooong sentence.....

The people visiting the site apparently want a safe place to make terrible comments amongst similarly terrible people. IRL, they might be called out for saying those things.

Hard to find a like-minded community of sick creeps in public. Thankfully the internet always delivers.

But how else am I supposed to maintain the fantasy of being a Dark Ages chivalric knight with my 9 year old child bride, M’lady?

I lost my hymen to a Diva Cup, and that's how my tampons found out I was cheating on them.

People with hymen obsession/fetish, I just...

Ivy League dudes: Always just the worst.

My daughter, who is adopted, has 14 biological siblings on her birthmom’s side and I don’t even have information on the birthfather’s side. All of them are within an hour of where we live. I hadn’t even thought about scenarios like this until reading this article.


But the real question is, why the hell would their parents split them up like that? That goes beyond a rocky divorce.

Okay real question: does all of this shit ONLY happen in Florida, or do we just ignore it when these things happen in other states?

I don’t watch the show, or read the books (the whole spanking thing toooootally turned me off) but I read these recaps to just stay nominally attuned to this pop culture phenomenon. I have to say, the “bitch please” looks in those screen caps are truly next level from the redhead. That is some A+ side eye happening

Yeah, he comes from a generation that can’t wrap its mind around spousal rape. It’s my wife! How can it be rape? She’s supposed to always say yes. I’m not hurting her, I’m her husband.

As a native Iowan who has grown up around way too damn many old, white dudes who look just like this.....I don't believe him. And I can't muster any sympathy.

Everything about this case is sad.

Well, I’m not excited about voting for Hillary, but I do enjoy denying people their dying wishes, so I guess there’s an upside.

So, his family can only vote for Hillary over his dead body?