
It’s all right to be Christian, but cut it out with that actual Christ-Like behavior, you hear?

I feel that as well, it seems like he got put into a bunch of things all at one to saturate the market and fool us into believing he's a talent on the rise.

I had never heard of him until I read this and now I am totally sold on hating him.

Same with Sha-la-lala-lee Woodpecker. I’ve suddenly started seeing her everywhere.

It’s like an old money version of seventeen.

Do people like him?

As a horsewoman... Women who ride sidesaddle? BOSS. Google "Meath Hunt" and you will find some amazing pictures. The first pic is one of my favorites - she's swung her leg over and is riding astride in this particular picture but she hunts sidesaddle. Apparently she got a black eye over a fence but in typical

Like corsets and petticoats and ludicrously high heels and acres of makeup and all the other ridiculous things /some/ women do, I see no issue with sidesaddle riding being revived as a neat thing to do if you're so inclined. It's a different (and I think more difficult? Idk, I can barely hang onto a horse) experience

What happened to getting a fucking cat when you’re an old lady? Who are this doctors helping this nut job have kids at 65? Do Germany have any rules about artificial insemination?

How do you say “Suck it, Duggars!” in German?

Ghosts don’t exist they said. Michael Jackson is dead they said. Pff.

Oooooh! I got/used some of these kinds of tattoos from the Muses Mardi Gras parade float throws. I am so pleased to have been ahead of the Coachella craze. This sparkly stuff is perfect for Mardi Gras, where we aim to wear eyelashes all hours and wake up with glitter eye boogers.

Jesus would be pretty pissed about the whole Christian public prayer thing that they usually do before every session, given that whole speech he gave specifically prohibiting it. I doubt he’d be very concerned about what one Wiccan did, and more concerned about how most of his followers are getting his message so

God I love when they’re all directly confronted with what inclusion means. If you’re gonna let one religion in, you have to let them all!

Actually, demonic influences on politicians would go a LONG way to explaining a lot of shit that goes on out there.

I understand that’s what would happen in the real world, but...a designated ‘above ground’ cemetery option where they mark your body with an official tag and let wildlife, bacteria, and/or fungi have their fill would be my preference, if such a place were to exist.

let he who hasn't married ten different people without getting a divorce first throw the first stone

Yet her selfie crimes go unpunished

Frankly, I think it’s just stunningly childish and irresponsible that these people would get on airplanes without up to date Cooties vaccinations in the first place.