
The other huge motivation for “Right to Work” legislation(other than slashing wages to help big business) is cutting off a major source of Democratic Party donations—union dues.

lets chat call my cel @5p thx

The existence of a coach named Jeff Fish implies the existence of a coach in the NFL named Jeff Fishest.

How is it so common that the higher up someone is in an organization, the less professional their emails are?

“Hey, it’s your first payday. I know you don’t like materialistic things so instead of a paycheck I wrote you a poem.”

As a Bernie supporter that was realistic enough to vote for Hillary “just in case” (even though I live in California and there was basically no way it would matter here): yeah, keep pushing the DNC line about how Bernie and Stein supporters fucked all of us. They were definitely the *real* problem. /s

If every single Democrat doesn’t vote against DeVos, I will snap. She is a horrible monstrous person.

On the other hand, I’m ramping up for production of my healing elixir distilled from boiled rattlesnake heads. Look for my ads on Breitbart and Gateway Pundit’s websites. Making America great again thanks to President Trump!

She was born and raised in New Jersey. While I share in the disdain for Philly, let’s direct the disgust where it’s deserved.....New Jersey.

Um... it looks like it was stolen direct.

Don’t forget, Dr. Seuss was a vocal opponent of ‘America First’ the first time it raised its dumb head.

Wait wait wait, I thought R’s were for smaller government and state’s rights?

“Man, if I had a suit jacket button for every time I fucked up over the past few years...”

So why doesn’t he call her out on it? Fuck decorum and politeness. Look where that has gotten us. I would like to think I would be following up on that. “really lady? We need guns in schools to defend children from grizzly bears? This is honestly something you believe? And in believing that you think you are qualified

First - Mazel Tov. Good luck! Totally with you but try this on: Practice the first dance, but don’t choreograph it. This allows you two to have a rhythm and general structure to what you’re doing but find moments where you can catch each others’ eye and be a bit spontaneous and in the moment.

Three rules of weddings:

RE: The co-ordinarted groomsman dance, the inventors of youtube are going to burn in hell for what they’ve done to what people want to do at weddings.