
“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

Rich people, well known for saying, “Thanks, I have enough money already.”

Here’s the big breaking news!

My only concern is whether or not they let him access Twitter from prison. Honestly, that would make all this worth it.

Honestly, with this Admin, it actually seems more important to document everything. Sometimes when you minimize the little things, it’s one more justification in a long list of larger shenanigans that people think they can be careless about. I’m not saying that this should be a priority, but reporting it and

Precisely! Paul Ryan is a “wonk” in the sense that most undergraduate students are “wonks.” (I include the 18-22 year old version of myself in this group). They have ideologies on how the world should work but never get into actually playing out how those ideologies may be functionally enacted and the consequences of

In addition, his idea of “negotiating” involves hiring contractors and then stiffing them on the bill. He’s got leverage, you see—the contractor’s done part/all of the work, but Donny’s still got the money. That’s negotiationing!

The GOP blew a 237-193 lead in the House.

talk of previous violent incidents, expression of paranoia, overreaction to workplace changes, unstable/emotional responses, feeling of arrogance/supremacy, intense anger/hostility, violations of policy, exploiting/blaming others

“How many students said I exposed myself?” said Sharkey.

Whoops! Totally different eras. My Art History is failing — time to get out the Janson.

White Nationalism. (Basic Bitch edition.)

This is yet another reminder that having a child does not suddenly make you an expert on literally anything, and that the act of birth is something that literally billions upon billions of people around the world, both very smart and incredibly fucking dumb, have done throughout millenia.

So many CEO-type old men in this administration used to starting at 10am, going for a 2 hour lunch at 12, and being home by 4pm are suddenly discovering that the “public sector” they’ve mocked their whole lives doesn’t roll that way.

Yes, completely agreed. I’m glad they are working on tests to find out if drivers are actively high, for example. The taxes aren’t a golden parachute but in tax-wary CO, anything helps. I have no dog in this fight because I have no interest in pot—my husband used to be a heavy, heavy smoker, quit, tried it again,

Speaking of human sexuality courses: a friend had a class at UT with Vince Young and when the professor asked one day for people’s ideas of foreplay, Vince said “that’s like sucking on titties and what not”

Taking the time to call out Aziz Ansari’s show Master of None (season 2 premieres in May!). He plays a struggling actor and one episode was entirely devoted to how many Indian roles are white-washed or must involve a heavy accent.

How do you guys notice this stuff? I guess I’m always really drunk when I watch it? He has the substance of a cardboard cutout with a button that says “I appreciate that” when you press it.