
I think you walked a very balanced line; well done, these things are incredibly complicated. I would like to call attention to the issue of worker safety, which you touched on briefly but is often overlooked in these types of analyses of chemicals, as the focus is the effect on the consumer. Pesticides are often

Does anyone subscribe to the WSJ? This article looks... intriguing.

That’s a southern thing... not saying it’s not weird, but a lot of adults down there say that.

As idiotic as this is, at least he actually wrote something. My firm recently released a report, it’s about 65 pages, but has lots of charts and graphs so probably about 40 pages of text when it comes down to it. Our publicist was shopping it around to outlets like Forbes and came back and told us that they want to

That’s a Goya - Saturn Devouring his Children.

I’m one that’s also in favor of strong regulation, don’t get me wrong. But, a lot of the problems that the media picks up on are overblown and not the key issues, in my opinion. Yes kids have eaten edibles, but I think it was like less than 50 that went to the ER last year. Not good, but not an epidemic or anything,

My dad is a retired pharmacist and an immigrant from an Asian country where cannabis is very frowned upon. He and my mom flipped out when they caught me smoking in high school but now that I work in the industry they’re open to discussing it and don’t give me crap that I use it a bit too. I think he’s just happy that

I would bet a lot of money that Trump has little to no idea about Andrew Jackson beyond the fact that he’s the guy on the 20 dollar bill.

That story was so good. Especially considering how easy it is to get any sort of degree from the numerous online and for-profit “universities” that are out there nowadays. I mean Shaq has a damn MBA and Ed.D., for god’s sake, it can’t be that hard.

“Economic growth” is the new trickle-down economics. I wonder how many times it can be re-branded before people catch on. 

Plus, with systematic rollbacks of labor regulations, they can work in the mill too! And be paid in cigarettes! Job creation ftw!

Are you my fiance that comments here without me knowing? She just unloaded to me about this last night (for the 6th, or maybe 20th time). It makes me so goddamn mad because she works so hard, pulls other’s dead weight, and still gets shit on. She was actually thinking about inviting her boss to our wedding since she’s

Agree with you in some respects. I would point out that a lot of lower-income people do not have smart phones or other luxuries, and still can’t afford health insurance. Not every lower-income person is blowing all their cash on luxury items - I feel like this statement by Chaffetz is similar to other republican dog

Ahem, It’s actually located right below Hollywood Upstairs Medical College.

I mean, we could really be growing the economy if those damn kids would get off their asses and get jobs.

It’s probably closest to a pint glass, but the other reply is pretty accurate as well. It can vary somewhat depending on how dense the buds are but in general somewhere around a pint glass or a sandwich bag is close.

Prices have gone down and med is generally a little less (fewer taxes, too). I didn’t say that an ounce less than $100 would be quality, it almost certainly won’t be, but you can get them. Here’s one that’s been doing $99 ounces for a while now (don’t ever shop there, btw, it’s terrible). I saw the $69 ounce price

Depending on if you have a medical card or are just shopping at a rec store, you can buy a cheap ounce here in Denver for anywhere from $69 - $99. Those are the lowest prices I’ve seen, though of course other stuff can be more expensive. People I know on the east coast tell me they’re still paying at least $300 per

Yeah it is. Even the heaviest smokers I know only go through about an ounce a week, at most. I harvested about a pound from some plants at home back in late summer 2015 and still have around an ounce left. It gets better if you cure it for a bit; I almost never shop at the stores, but if I do I usually put it in an

There are a few startup payment services that some stores are using now. Also, the operation I used to work for set up Square and was able to get away with it for a bit before the service got wise to what type of business it was and shut it down.