Wait wait wait, I thought R’s were for smaller government and state’s rights?
Wait wait wait, I thought R’s were for smaller government and state’s rights?
“Man, if I had a suit jacket button for every time I fucked up over the past few years...”
So why doesn’t he call her out on it? Fuck decorum and politeness. Look where that has gotten us. I would like to think I would be following up on that. “really lady? We need guns in schools to defend children from grizzly bears? This is honestly something you believe? And in believing that you think you are qualified…
First - Mazel Tov. Good luck! Totally with you but try this on: Practice the first dance, but don’t choreograph it. This allows you two to have a rhythm and general structure to what you’re doing but find moments where you can catch each others’ eye and be a bit spontaneous and in the moment.
Three rules of weddings:
I would end my friendship with the groom, dissolve my relationships with his entire family and agree to never again speak to any and all of our mutual friends before I would perform in a choreographed dance at his wedding.
RE: The co-ordinarted groomsman dance, the inventors of youtube are going to burn in hell for what they’ve done to what people want to do at weddings.
So, can we expect something like The Concourse to be its own thing anytime soon? Maybe a dedicated society and politics blog? I’m only asking because it seems like it’s a subject that warrants some kind of focus.
...and in an odd way, it wasn’t until he lifted the team up from San Diego and forced it to play on a kind of aircraft carrier thing that could fly and also be a boat and wasn’t directly connected to any particular populace or geography at all that Spanos could SEE the damage he wrought, and the tarnished legacy he…
It would be poetic justice if he starts building the fucken wall, asks Mexico for payment, then Mexico says “We don’t need to pay you; you got paid in so much publicity, believe me. You made so much!” the way Trump talks to his creditors.
Tie them together and drown them in the same sack.
I was raised by my mother and my grandmother. My father was a distant figure throughout my life. When I put on my cowboy hat and speedo and rollerbladed into Claire’s to get my belly button pierced as a young man, it wasn’t because I didn’t have a dad. It was because I fucking ruled.
“Your bodies are balloons filled with farts”
8 Months ago Poolside dropped the Contact High Mixtape and while it’s everything you might expect from DJ’s who mostly gig around LA, Tijuana, and festivals (light, breezy, not meant to be thought about too seriously). It turns downright phenomenal at the 55 minute mark when the mix in, play with, and utterly enhance…
I am wedding planning for 2017 and I am also sick of these trends. I only get my period every 2 months so it’s been impossible for me to collect enough menstrual blood to make my signature cocktail.
Jesus, what’s he going to have to do to please you, forward you some 19th division Kazakh Over-90 soccer league bloopers?
This is the most heartbreaking of all. I saw George in concert twice, the first time in 1987 in Honolulu when I was ten years old. The Faith album still stands as one of the greatest pop albums ever made. I know every song, every word. I saw him again in 2008, just about twenty years later, in DC. I cannot express how…
Because the Grayson Allen stories in March will be so much fun to follow...
Can we finally meet at the middle on weed use and health? Its not the worst thing in the universe, nor is it a wholly positive indulgence. Rather than fighting to “smoke weed every day”... Can we accept that it, like any other substance, should be consumed responsibly and in moderation? I’ve never met a person who…