
Most people I know would be thrilled to get a letter from the President elect.

“Introducing our 500 Foot measuring tape, made of the finest malleable silver, in a handsome chestnut case. Great for exact placement of our ultra rare southern Mongolian bamboo yard set, or in my case, proximity to elementary schools.”

I was skiing in Sun Valley, Idaho about 20 years ago... Schwarzenegger strutted in, in a tight, purple ski suit. I’m putting on my boots on the bench to the side, he puts his hands on his hips, stops and say “See, Marie, we are one of the normal people” and marched up stairs.

That’s kind of interesting. I think it’s common in just about every average profession to excel in something that might check certain boxes for you, but doesn’t define or complete you. I guess we tend to assume that anyone who reaches such a level of excellence in a sport must be completely obsessed. But that’s a

Does wishing painful death on every person involved with either’s Trump campaign or his transition make me a horrible person? Because that’s all I have at this point, a desire for all these fuckers to suffer.

I hear you, but it’s like if there was somebody drowning and instead of throwing that person a life preserver, we all just sat around and imagined innovative and disruptive ways to save a drowning life..


My wife likes this show, so I watched stretches of it, including this reunion, Mosty, I love every scene with Emily Gilmore. I find her far more interesting and likable than any other character. I also liked Paris way more than Rory.

Now playing

its from the matrix - thats laurence fishburne.

At first I thought watching a game backward didn’t make a lot of sense. Then I realized it’s just another perspective. And from that perspective every game ends in a tie. And then I thought, why not draft another power forward?

To accept Romney because the Overton Window’s been moved so far to the right is the first step into hell. It’s not “being the bigger person” or “wishing he does well for America.” Rationalize it how you will, a man or woman who will sell themselves out this quickly and this utterly has no moral or political compass

No, I’m an amateur waste of space.

Rise up, Giuliani’s ego. You have nothing to lose. You live inside a very old man, and he will never hold national government now. Only the fire in your core holds him aloft above his grave. Such an ancient power must not drain out in humiliation. It must explode.

he orders his steaks well done. i bet he orders a side of ranch with everything he gets.

I really wish people would stop treating racism and misogyny as “a different side of an issue” or as a “different point of view”. Not every topic has two valid sides. If you’re talking about child molestation, you don’t go out and find people who believe molesting children is totally ok and treat them the same way as

Isn’t it a bit problematic to concern ourselves with micro-aggressions against a privileged and powerful white person who orchestrated the election of a fascist which has resulted in MACRO-aggressions against POC, especially Muslim women? This bitch is a fucking Nazi (or worse- an opportunist who promotes neo-Nazism)

Hmm, the ones I know tend to do the skimming mostly by either running cash businesses (wherein every nth purchase isn’t really reported to the gov’t) or very much stretching the definition of “necessary corporate expense” when it comes to stuff they’re purchasing on the company dime. The latter especially falls into

I don’t recall Lorelai being so insufferable and me-me-me before

His turn at what? I ask as an Eagles fan. A good slot receiver who’s not much for shit-talking and is definitely not on the level of Dez or ODB (or Julio Jones, or Antonio Brown...) headlining an otherwise-shitty receiving corps doesn’t set up for fireworks.