
Don’t know which group my little mutt would fall into, but she should win something!

Nice to see something positive result from an NFL player smashing his wife in an elevator.

I have a couple of gift exchanges with friends / family coming up during the holidays and it just occurred to me that instead of buying some junk that no one will ever use (probably made in Asia in appalling conditions anyway), perhaps people could mobilize these stupid little “white elephant” (or whatever) parties to

What’s happening at this protest is so horrific, it’s hard to put into words.

The slime doesn’t ooze far from the slug.

I think he’s just a stupid, entitled, rich kid.

They actually do something similar in rugby. If there is a potential penalty that the ref doesn’t see (there’s only one ref and two line judges in rugby, despite 15 players a side and a more expansive field), then the replay official will radio down to the ref in the midst of the play alerting him to the possible

I got a big kick out of this:

This has a lot of really good ones along those lines.

I’ve thought about that too. I’m also wondering why all the neo-nazi Breitbart scum aren’t turning on Bannon for working with a Jewish person. Anyway, I’ll never understand these people and just hope that they are vindictive enough to destroy each other, or at least throw things into chaos so nothing gets done.

Agree. Have you read this? It’s great.

Oh yeah, absolutely no Young Republicans clubs on campuses anywhere in this country, especially not in the south or midwest. Also, those fraternities are bastions of Marxist thought, I wasn’t in one because I wasn’t librul enough, but I hear they sit around discussing Chomsky all day.

Christ, I know, right? Read this, though, best thing I’ve seen since the election:

I’m fantasizing about the guy in the red just laying the little wanker right out.

Word of warning about Blue Buffalo. When my GF and I adopted our pup a couple years back we started her on the food, as it seemed like a top-quality brand. She was a little lethargic, didn’t eat much generally, and had loose stool consistently. The vet said she was ok overall and we attributed it to her being a rescue

I think your second point is absolutely right, but don’t necessarily agree with your first. To take an example from rugby, Argentina a few years ago started playing against the other top-tier southern hemisphere teams (New Zealand, Australia, South Africa). They still lose most of the time, but this year beat SA,

Yes that was a frightening article indeed, but it applies really to the “outlaw” off-grid growers up in northern California, who are pretty much entirely unregulated and can’t really be included in the “legal industry” at this point. The hope is that the upcoming regulation of the market will end that sort of thing,

You’re right it’s just retail at the end of the day, and the growing side is just gardening / farming. If you have a fair amount of capital to dispose of have at it. Even some of the early movers I know in Colorado didn’t really “bootstrap,” but came from fairly well-off families that loaned them the money needed to

Very true. But growers had to deal with keeping their crop going all season and not having LE drop out of the sky from helicopters. So risk was (hell, still is) shared somewhat.

As someone that works in the cannabis industry, I would say that while a lot of the first movers in CO, WA, etc may be younger, the financial rewards are moving increasingly to mostly middle-aged and older white men. In the new states that are legalizing, the cost of getting a license and maintaining compliance with