son of a motherless goat (PSA: wash your hooves)

Yep, tourism is THE major driver of New Orleans’ economy. This shutdown/slowdown is going to hurt badly. There’s no way to sugarcoat it... speaking of which, when this is over, the next round of beignets are on me!

Or about the time it takes to sing one verse of Karma Chameleon.

What do you think I want? For people to treat this seriously so it gets contained quickly and we can all get back to normal life. Downplaying this as a low-risk contagion isn’t helping.

I’m holding out for negative percent loans. Pretty sure that means they’ll pay me to borrow their money. Yeah.

Now playing

“I stood a tiny chance of getting a virus...”

“I just talked to my boss... Well, he’s never done this before folks. But seeing as it’s special circumstances and all, he says I can throw in a 12-pack of toilet paper.”

Filed to:coronavirus

Wait for the Z06.

It really is a Ferrari experience at a quarter the price.

Instructions unclear.

It’s very sobering to realize that almost every major safety innovation in existence today was likely the direct result of human lives lost in some tragic way.

This is the only sliding door I’ll accept, thank you very much. It’s a shame this was too impractical to implement in production vehicles, because it was a really clever idea. It still looks like some kind of sorcery.

I’m actually feeling sympathy for a car salesman right now... huh... the situation is worse than I thought.

Thank you I will relish it.

Pretty sure I can make these out of steelies, dude.

Stick to hot dogs.

At least they’re being frank about it.

I also know a guy that can get BBS wheels cheap using stealies.

If the joke doesn’t fit, I’ll never admit.

Joke murderer.