Sure, my range anxiety is down now but my trailer anxiety just went up.
Sure, my range anxiety is down now but my trailer anxiety just went up.
We don’t care.
Oh yeah, that I would totally understand.
So it’s a Cheap thing.
I wish I could hear it but I can’t get the video to play. Can you just type out what it sounds like. Is it “brub brub brub brub” or more of a “bbbbbrrrrrr”? Maybe “rrrrraaaAAHHHHHHAHAHHHHHHH!!!”? Or “ehhhHHHH!!!! ehhhHHHH!!!1!”?
Leave it to a Jalop to own a car/bike combo in Gulf livery colors.
Could be.
I’ve been staring at the lede image for the past 10 minutes trying to formulate an interesting opinion on this car...good or bad...and all I’ve managed to come up with so far is “I really like the blue color”.
Bahaha! You’re good!
Fair enough, fellow goat. The word ‘glorious’ could mean....
That’s great news.
I see xkcd comic, I click star.
This guy gets it.
But that doesn’t mean he knows what he is doing. Cause gates isn’t an engineer.
This company’s name has huge Abbot and Costello potential.