Interesting if true.
Interesting if true.
They finally improved upon the Cone of Silence™ and it’s wearable to boot. Now make a better shoe phone.
Rich Energy Is Back
I have to love anyone who will own the fact that they’re vain.
Zoom in on that detail. Enhance that ass. It looks a little like a pixelated Shelby Daytona back there.
Is it 4D in time or in space? Because if you can print an actual tesseract then take my money.
I did not see this coming. Interesting...
It’s fine. What’s the worst that could happen?
And always trying to kill you in elaborate ways. Or is that just my cat?
3D printing is cool and all but I really want 4D printing. And I want it yesterday.
I bet you are.
I bet you are.
Yeah I was in rapid-reply mode. That one got past me before I noticed it.
As opposed to Japan’s flag (a red dot over a white background), or Germany’s flag (black over red over yellow), or France’s, or Italy’s, or Russia’s, or hey why don’t you try conversing without coming across as a massive cock next time?
It’s just a stuffed rabbit...
Don’t swear. Not around here you fuck.
Is it the same process for Oppo or do I have to offer a blood sacrifice to the Great and Mighty Lord Puffalump first?
PS. What do I have to do to get out of the greys?
and I’m particularly offended by it.
Is your point that colors and shapes have symbolic meaning? If so, I already said that I agree with you on that point a few posts ago. Yet you’re still beating me up over it for some reason. You’re just arguing for the sake of argument at this point.