and replaced the timing chain prophylactically at 700,000 miles.
and replaced the timing chain prophylactically at 700,000 miles.
It looks like a bicycle that I would have built if I was given a box of parts without the instruction manual, told I’ve got 10 minutes to complete the job, and had no idea what a bicycle was.
Good advice on the tub, I wouldn’t have thought about that. Thanks!
Well we’ll just have to agree to disagree, ya bastard.
and I won’t judge you if you disagree.
This is why photoshop was invented.
And yet you seemed to fit very comfortably in a 2-D pane of glass with a couple other people, Zod. Get over it.
Isn’t that just a laptop with extra steps?
Isn’t that just a laptop with extra steps?
They seem to be amused by the red laser beam coming from above. Fools.
That’s terrifying. I’d definitely buy one now.
It doesn’t look angry. We only buy pissed off cars here.
Ask your mother.
can we stop trying to determine a company’s future direction from their patent filings?
My theory is that every F&F movie after the first one was actually a dream that Dom had in a coma after wrecking his black Charger while racing Brian across the train tracks. In reality, he’s a vegetable.
Because the light-energy walls they generate would cause havoc on public roads.
What’s wrong with Dalbo?
optional on H3