son of a motherless goat (PSA: wash your hooves)

A direct competitor to Rivian, maybe.

I dunno, Mike, I can think of something worse.

Lol @ cats acting all concerned over a human in an accident. Who do you think cut the brake line in the first place.

I work from home and don’t have a commute. Whatever I buy will be used as a run-about for around town. You do bring up a good point though. I appreciate it!

the vast majority will be daily charging at home.

Recharge time is a bigger issue than range, in my opinion. Until we have recharges in 10 minutes or less, I just don’t see most people making the switch, at least not willingly.

I’m trying to decide what I want to buy next and this car is on my short list.

You rock. Seriously.

I think we’re his enablers.

I feel like there should be a hyphen somewhere in that title.

If your Sony car dies, does that make it a Walkman?

I want to buy this for my neighbors to enjoy seeing in my driveway. They’ll love it.

German efficiency.

It’s easy if you concentrate.

I look forward to seeing this installed on the Scamp.

Not a bad idea. Drive one and use the other as a donor parts car.

That’s why I passed on it.

I’ve worked from home for the past 10 years, so I can attest to this. Of course, it’s not without pitfalls, but if you can strike a balance between life and work, it’s pretty great.

Of course. There’s a huge difference between driving and commuting. Driving, we love. Commuting, on the other hand, is our nemesis.

Gosh darn it.