I didn’t mean they would charge for the recall. I meant they would try to convince you that you needed some *other* maintenance done while your vehicle was there. It was a failed joke, just move on.
I didn’t mean they would charge for the recall. I meant they would try to convince you that you needed some *other* maintenance done while your vehicle was there. It was a failed joke, just move on.
I assumed it would have a powered-lift option for the feeble-bodied.
Way ahead of you.
I really like how the tailgate has an integrated telescoping ramp. Sort of reminds me of a space ship gangway from Star Wars. I could see this being more useful than the ‘yo dawg’ step-within-a-step-within-another-step tailgates on GM trucks.
I’ll be damned. This truck is a literal pyramid scheme.
Lol. This has to be the test mule.
I’m down for that. Just let me find my banana hammock and back razor first.
“Then drill gas escape hole of owner by charging them for unnecessary maintenance work.”
I know you’re joking about submarine mode and yet I’m still tempted to put down a deposit. That sounds fucking sweet!
Is it weird that I watched about 2 hours of Fallen Order cutscenes on youtube last night, and I don’t even play video games?
Hell, I’m terrified of e-scooters.
Aw yeah, I know somebody who’s gonna have a December-to-remember!
Aw yeah, I know somebody who’s gonna have a December-to-remember!
It reminds me of Mazda’s RX-Vision concept.
Those aren’t doors, they’re dooooooooors.
Harsh. But fair.
Lol @ PEN15 license plate. Although if it’s electric, shouldn’t it be D1LD0?
This is why I stick to Skittles.
Please keep Kimba’s care team in your thoughts. They are devastated.
Jesus Christ. Your initials are F.U.