Now I have anxiety about spending $162 on a throw blanket.
Now I have anxiety about spending $162 on a throw blanket.
Now I have anxiety about spending $162 on a throw blanket.
Now I have anxiety about spending $162 on a throw blanket.
BMW Executive: Everybody likes the Hofmeister kink. It’s classic. Let’s do more of that.
BMW Designer: What, you mean make it bigger, like our grilles? People love that.
BMW Executive: No, I mean more. MORE DAMMIT!!!1!ein!!
BMW Designer: You heard him, boys! Every door gets a kink! No, make that two! TWO KINKS PER DOOR!
I’d buy one just so when people ask me what car I drive I can say an i4. Then they’d ask, “what’s an i4?” And I’d reply, “it’s for seeing, dummy!”
(It’s the weekend, what do you want from me?)
House savings, pfft. I’m reminded of a quote from the ancient Jalop scrolls, “you can’t race your house, but you can sleep under this slot car table.”
Yeah but if you take out the hyphen then you’re left with mache. Which is lettuce, I’m being told.
Bobbers have always looked odd to me. It’s probably the saddle seat.
If you come across a cool cafe racer build, I’d like to see that some time. I’ve been obsessing over those lately - and I don’t even ride.
Hold on, I got this.
I wonder how many of those 180,000 Outback owners would be willing to trade it in on a new Ford wagon instead. I’m guessing about two of them.
I hear ya.
I always get them mixed up. Sorry Gary!
They stopped making wagons because you and some guy named Gary were the only two people in North America who actually bought wagons. Everybody else chose an SUV or crossover. It makes poor business sense to continue to cater to the extreme minority when you’re in a mass-production industry. Don’t blame the…
No Time To Die
I think it’s clear we have far too many evil empires.
You can buy it from the evil empire, er I mean Amazon.
Do you say “now witness the firepower of this fully battered and operational waffle maker” each time you use it?
Yep, you’re right. Fascinating.
And a turbo button.