I see this beauty in your future...
I see this beauty in your future...
At least the badge doesn’t light up at night. That would be...ha...ridiculously tacky....haha....for a Mercedes.
I bet it will be priced like it is.
I saw that film for the first time last night. So I feel justified in saying...
Stick to Transformers.
the latest update seems to show they have parts and a willing mechanic in San Francisco
I’d think a sailboat would win in terms of CO2 emitted per mile. And it actually carries people.
I thought we all agreed it was going to be Jellopicnic.com
OMG is Sergio the Emperor?
Holy balls! They make candy corn on the cob now!
German chocolate cake.
How much more black could this be, I find me asking myself.
Pretty sure that’s a tribble. Shouldn’t be a problem. They’re very squishy.
If your idea of a good time is coming through your neighborhood like a drunken peacock that’s waving a gun around
Too much Brain & Nerve Tonic. Ask Ken Griffey Jr.
I lost a flip-flop in a river once.
It turns out that love remains one of the best motivators when it comes to changing behavior.
I want an award now.
Why do rich people get so much credit when they downsize from their 7 mansions, 31 exotic cars, and 2 private jets for the environment? I’ve never bought even a single mansion in my entire life. Do you know how much discipline that took? Wasn’t easy, let me tell you. Look, I’m not asking for an award, just a simple “th…