son of a motherless goat (PSA: wash your hooves)

Take your star. Nerd.

It’s perfect. Damn, wish I was a gamer.

I’m the opposite. I have a mechanical keyboard with two monitors mounted side-by-side on my desk. I can have 4 windows open at the same time. Overkill? Yeah probably, but it’s pretty awesome to have that much screen space. Lol.

Are you using the Safari browser? I think it has built-in ad-blocking but I might be wrong.

Guess there’s actually 4 things you can count on: death, taxes, ej20, and gmg sites being terrible.

It must take a huge amount of organizational skills to safely put together a rally course that winds through light residential, rural, and commercial properties. All I could think about while watching the video was what if someone’s pet got loose. Although, it is Germany - I bet they train their cats to sit and stay.

I bet it whispers to her with a lisp (why a lisp? because it’s part snake for some reason)...anyways, I digress. It whispers to her, “Krissssten, there’ssss a crowd over there. Let’ssss check it out, jusssst for a ssssecond.”

Ok, I’ll allow it.

Is it a horsey or a snake? It can’t be both. I WON’T ALLOW IT.

Honda had a version called “Euro Yellow,”

Autoplay vids continue to be a blessing onto us.

it doesn’t look half bad. It’s the one in the back, behind the Scout.

The Ariya concept is 181 inches long, about 76 inches wide and 64 inches tall

Agreed. But why limit yourself to the visible wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum when you could be displaying infrared frequencies as well? Just look at that gorgeous livery!

Would it have killed them to have included a banana in the picture for scale?

The K-Wagon is different from the traditional Kei car in that this thing is super tall

Now playing

(Yes, I just replied to your comment in video format. You’re welcome.)

Oh dang, I thought I was commenting on the Harley article!

has to make money somehow

Haha! Go for it, Stephanie!