I dunno, but Jeep Wranglers can get away with it, so I assume it’s legal.
I dunno, but Jeep Wranglers can get away with it, so I assume it’s legal.
I can afford that easy. Do they offer 840 month financing?
I’ll give you that. But neither can hold a candle to the 300ZX.
Oh I didn’t catch that part. Oops, that’s what I get for skimming a wiki page at work.
Fuck, that story was hard to read. I can’t even imagine what the remaining 7 years of his life were like after that, knowing that you killed 10 people and affected hundreds of lives simply because you mixed up the pedals. Damn.
On second thought, let me sleep.
Wake me up when the Corvette C8.E is unveiled.
I don’t know much about drug deals, but I do know a lot about pockets. And he’s definitely using his for something!!
right up there
Such a silly sentence, skaycog! <smiley>
I found the story on Snopes. It looks like this picture was taken at the Waldorf, Maryland IHOP which is about half a mile from the Home Depot where they loaded it. So the car actually drove like that for at least half a mile! Ha!
There was a French Baywatch? Why was I not informed of this?
I wonder how far they actually got.
Hmm. They could use some swoops and swirls in my opinion.
Yep, and it’s pretty simple to calculate. You just take the “rise” (vertical distance), divide it by the “run” (horizontal distance), and then multiply that number by 100 to get the percent slope. Since a 45° angle has equal rise and run distances, you get a 100% slope.
I’ve learned more about grammar here in the Jalopnik comment section than I did from all 5 years of high school.