I honestly thought that was a photoshop for about 4 seconds. Or wait, is it?
I honestly thought that was a photoshop for about 4 seconds. Or wait, is it?
The car will list at ¥5.13 million
This thread is exactly why dogs > people.
The perfect car is actually two cars.
I didn’t claim that it would solve the problem completely. But it would greatly reduce accidents and deaths and improve the overall driving experience for the average motorist. I’d much rather drive in a country that has higher license standards like Germany than in the US where a driver’s license is far too easy to…
Oh well. We could always invest in better driver training instead.
Holy shit Barry Manilow tickets are on sale now!!
Computer Protective Services?
That’s awesome that it is being used to help autistic children. Thanks for sharing the article!
I always wondered what happened to the robot from Rocky IV.
Wow. This will save me literally dozens of dollars.
Anyway, it completely depends on the implementation.
I think he’s talking about information overload in general which can lead to distracted driving, not HUD (heads up display) specifically. HUD is not a new technology for automobiles. It has existed in production cars for at least 20 years - I believe the C5 Corvette offered HUD in 1999 (or around then).
For single cups and ease of travel I have a JavaPresse Manual Coffee Grinder.
It turned that Audi into an Innie. And the driver into an Ouchie.