Gnomi Malone

I just remembered—-back in the day, sophomores were just accepted as being the biggest idiots in the school. I’m not even sure if they actually were or seemed you just walked in the front door on the first day of sophomore year and accepted your idiocy. Hmmm. Forgot all about that.

Sometimes, I think my students are some of the most awesome and funny and genuinely entertaining people I’ve ever met and sometimes, I look at them and think, “you are just full of stupid today aren’t you.”

I’d be a little freaked out, but not to the “OMG the world is falling” level, because with an error like that it’s so obviously wrong that it would be fixed as soon as possible. I mean, stories like this occur all the time; the sudden electrical bill for five million dollars, the heating bill larger than the GDP of a

To be fair, I would also be “freaking the fuck out” if a company had repeatedly tried to charge $12,000 to my credit card. And based on my personal experience with Uber being terrible at handling customer complaints, I wouldn’t exactly feel assured simply because someone from Uber told me that they were escalating my

a fee grows in brooklyn

My wife had an affair and I divorced her. I moved out and tried for 3 months to save the marriage but she spent that time trying to justify her actions and trying to plan a way out herself. When I found out that she was living off of me just until she could find something better it nearly killed me.
My health

Pretty sure I am headed towards divorce. I think my marriage of 3 years, together for 10 years, is over (to be fair, it’s been ending slowly for the last 2 years). I feel like such a loser and completely and utterly heart- broken because despite everything I still love him and want it The truth is that he just doesn’t

Most women want a divorce because a husband cheated, sorry I don’t feel sorry for lying cheaters. If you want custody then become a stay a home dad or take care of your children and home as much as your wife does if you both work. It is really unfair that woman does all the caring about child and men suddenly want a

My impression (and I could be wrong) was that this was meant more in terms of finances/practical matters. Because, for example, women generally earn less than men, any major practical shift (not emotional) is going to happen for them. Generally speaking, after a divorce, a man can continue in the same job, in the same

Men just seem to be able to carry on. Suck it up, go to work, maybe drink more. Not saying they aren’t devastated, but in general, their lives seem to be negatively impacted less, particularly if they are the higher wage earner.

This is totally not at all scientific, but most of the divorced people I know also smoke. Correlation?

During the worst-possible breakup of a 30-year marriage—really, the details even now seem like something out of a very bad Lifetime movie—I started having feelings of pressure on my chest. Finally, after a few episodes, I went to the ER, had a battery of tests, and was diagnosed as experiencing severe stress. So no

I grew up around a lot of really old people. Some of them had been married forever. Almost every woman I had known was a stay at home mom, a nurse, or teacher. But all of them were married. Not all of them were happy. Divorce was still a little scandalous. And once these ladies’ husbands died either through heart

Okay, here is my thing with burns....or snappy come backs, which they were once called. I cry. I cry when frustrated. I hate it. I’m quite sassy unless pissed off, then I cry. Ugh. Nobody knows how much I just burned in my head them, cause I am crying.

I'll never forget going to the nursing home to sing for the old people, and looking for my mom's acquaintance. She was 35. She'd been diagnosed with a devastating neuro-degenerative disease, and he up and left her with no other family, so she had to live in the nursing home with the 90 year olds.

This reminds me of a blog article I read once about the terrible "Save the Boobies/Tatas" breast cancer awareness slogan. Comments on the article from breast cancer survivors who'd had mastectomies were just heartbreaking, almost nauseatingly depressing. So many women discussing, in a tone that felt full of disbelief

Right!? My first thought is that these husbands aren't getting their oh-so-important (and uncontrollable *eye roll*) male sexual needs met so they reach out for extra "comfort" and support. When confronted, they throw a pity party for themselves saying they were only doing it so they could stay strong for "You,

While the study is drawn from data that doesn't specify whether it was the husband or wife who initiated the divorce in these cases, Karraker suggests that divorces coinciding with a wife's illness could actually be a matter of the ill wife wanting to cut the cord due to dissatisfaction with her husband's ability (or

My ex husband was HORRIBLE (I mean, really really horrible) whenever I got sick. Whether I got the stomach flu or had eye surgery. Just awful. He really wasn't a bad guy... but he just fell apart and became a completely insensitive dick when I needed him the most (for example, he went to a party the evening of my eye

I think the real story is that these parents invented surgical balloon procedures at least a century before western doctors did. Likewise the parents who not just invented contact lenses, but custom decorated ones at that.