Gnomi Malone

That’s something I was wondering about. I’m sure there are some super fancy (hypoallergenic gluten-free lactose-free organic grass fed free range formula) brands that are extremely expensive, but $80 a week? Dang.

The kid is one year old... Maybe it’s time to cut down on formula and start letting him eat the Cheerios

Don't know if you're into more drastic solutions beyond the above suggestions, but I thought I would throw this out there because I just heard about it for the first time at my dermatologist's office: Restylane Silk. It's a temporary injectable similar to regular Restylane, but the particles are a lot smaller and the

Jumping on the “I know someone who faked cancer” train. A woman I know did it to get out of coming to work because she got a job transfer that she didn’t really like. Fake chemo appointments, fake doctor notes, shaved head, the works.

Problem is that the job she was avoiding was with THE MILITARY. She was an officer in

About the peeling lips: I live in the desert and have had this issue for years. Everyone morning my lips sloughed off in sheets, I've been to dermatologists and tried their recommended balms and bought any and all lip products ever recommended by posters here. Upped my water intake, exfoliated, took vitamins. Nothing

Ah ok. I honestly have no idea what the DEA looks for in profiling, that might be one of the things on their list and that sucks. Ditto rural police. Can only answer for the one large city I live in where I work patrol and the reasons we look more closely at certain cars are not what most people would expect (ie when

Was your husband driving a car registered to you or vice versa? That’s something that is commonly profiled when they are looking for drug dealers or runners- a driver who doesn’t match the (often out of state) plates and isn’t married to the car owner. The latter of which they can usually figure out by asking

I reread #1 over and over, hoping I had misunderstood and that somehow it didn't involve real vegetables in an actual mop bucket.

It went downhill from there.


Amigara diet really works! The before/after pics are amaaaazing.

Nevada has been doing a better job lately going after the people who mistreat prostitutes, too. Not just the women in the legal brothels, but any sex workers who are victimized. Don't know if it has made headlines outside of Las Vegas (or within Vegas even) but numerous johns and two cops were charged with

I feel weird about how often I recommend these, but flight suits are my jam. The things military pilots wear. I refer to them as my Flight Snuggies. They are so comfortable and have a ton of pockets for snacks and keep you warm without being restrictive, plus you can do yardwork or arts 'n crafts in them without

Can you post some examples? I have a hard to fit bodytype, some mediocre sewing abilities, and a desire for more comfy lounge clothes.

(sorry for the dumb tangentially related post about Sweden, just happened to capture that exchange on a bodycam and rewound it to watch over and over last night and laughed repeatedly to myself. I'm hard up for entertainment)

I heard the following conversation just yesterday between a Finnish guy and a young American woman in a club:

"Love your accent, where are you from?"

"I am from far away. Finland."

"Ohmigosh I've always wanted to go to Sweden!"

"No, no, I am Finnish. From Finland."

"I heard they get free healthcare in Sweden. If I married

Are Lord of the Flies, The Giver, Animal Farm and 1984 trendy now? Because if so, my teachers were into that whole dystopian thing decades before it was hip. *smugface*

But seriously what are some examples from your kid's reading list? Are we talking Fahrenheit 451 or a bunch of Hunger Games-esque lite books here?

Now are you going to tell me that people sometimes die without their tongue hanging out the side of their mouths like cartoon characters?? Noooooooooo!

PS- I know all about the chalk outline trope. I'm a cop and I always carry a piece of chalk with me, but it's just to draw giant dicks next to dead bodies. That's,

No problem, when I went to order more online I saw the "Limited Edition" thing at the top of the page and got nervous.

No problem, when I went to order more online I saw the "Limited Edition" thing at the top of the page and got

So glad someone else remembers this and agrees that it was the shit.

Now they only have that crappy Neosporin Lip Health and it's not the same. IT'S NOT THE SAME. IT SUCKS.

Lip Treatment LT for life.

So glad someone else remembers this and agrees that it was the shit.

Now they only have that crappy Neosporin Lip

YESSSSS I cosign every single word of your post.

Just found out this balm is "limited edition", gonna stock up in case they disappear soon.

YESSSSS I cosign every single word of your post.

Just found out this balm is "limited edition", gonna stock up in

lol at "going for its eyes" then beating the goddamned thing with her walking stick, and her being pissed that she has to "resort to swimming in indoor pools, which I hate".

I am charmed by this 83 year old lake swimming pistol of a woman, she's my new hero.

This is why the 2nd amendment is so important. Everyone should support the right to bare hands.

(I've never actually read the Second Amendment but I think that's how it goes)