Gnomi Malone

Are there instances where lethal force is called for- absolutely. And film would prove that.

Pets definitely count as witnesses. They can watch and judge so yes, they count.

I guess my secret single behavior is that I almost never floss because I'm gross and lazy, and I also because I develop this strange desire to hoodwink my dentist.

I love, love, love how so many people go right for the cowboy or Texan drawl. My Brit/Scot/Australian friends acknowledge that I sound nothing like that but if they try to repeat a sentence back to me in my voice, all of them immediately turn into Matthew McConaughey.

The best description I heard about why they have

I don't know what Spring Breakers are but if they have trigger discipline and aren't waving guns around willy nilly, I might get into it.

Seriously- I fear for the cameramen in the above video. Duck, camerapeople, DUCK!!! There is a machine gun pointed at your head with a finger on the trigger!

Right? It really puts a damper on my masturbation sessions when bikini models don't have proper trigger discipline.


Yes, they did.

Rob Wilkinson and Justin Hansen.

Honestly cannot tell you for sure because different states have their own strange laws about legend drugs. But if you were hypothetically being investigated for possession of an Rx and a doctor can confirm that it was prescribed to you at some point but you chose to purchase it OTC, you'd probably be fine.

It would be

$40 a pill?! OK I take back what I posted earlier about flying to the Dominican Republic negating any savings you might have on OTC Viagra.

Get an Rx then fly to the DR, y'all.

What's your point, then? Sum it up for me.

My brain is tired from a long shift of not being shot at by black people. Apologies if I'm missing something important here.

Is... this a joke? Your own link shows that more cops were killed by white people than any other race COMBINED.

White- 289
Black- 243
Other- 33

Just stop saying "blacks are nearly 50% of cop killers", please. It's a non-issue here.

OH oh oh lemme add one more thing about cameras:

Police have some discretion on letting things slide. People like to bitch about cops paying attention to anything other than murder or robbery or crimes they deem "more important" than traffic tickets and shit. If you have a dick supervisor or the public reviewing your

I can think of a few issues I have with "always on" bodycams that can't be turned off.

1) When I'm in the bathroom. Sometimes during a shift I need to take a poop or change my tampon. Don't record that, please.

2) When you are interviewing witnesses who are skittish about being "snitches". I've seen firsthand people

Not sure this will help anyone buying those supplements because they can't afford a doctor or name brand Viagra. Flying to the Dominican Republic every 3 months* for OTC Viagra (or other popular meds**) probably negates any savings.

*3 months because I'm pretty sure that's all you're legally allowed to bring back to

That is some "Grey Gardens" shit right there.


You floss alone??


I only floss when I know someone is watching, in the hope that word gets back to my dentist that I'm not a slacker.

I think it's working.

#2 is key. Different cats require different voices. Fact.

I have a kid and I still do 9 out of 10 of the things on your list.

For a looong time they are clueless babies, or napping, or in school, and you can masturbate with blocks of cheese in the bathroom for an hour while watching shitty internet TV and whispering sweet nothings to yourself in a British accent. Trust. Your

Sometimes I like to randomly flop down with my tongue hanging out the side of my mouth and imagine what my chalk outline would look like if I died suddenly while folding the laundry or something.

Occasionally I follow that with slowly curling my fingers up like corpses do during rigor mortis then I quickly check out